It’s been a bit of whirlwind trip, and despite the posts around Calgary, I did, indeed, spend just over a week in the UK for a conference. I had registered for this specific conference late last year thinking it would be a breeze to get to from London, ironically ending up in another part of the world. I had plenty of fun (see the conference report here if you want) and they even made time for a networking trip where we indulged in the small bit of sunny weather.

I went along to Glastonbury and then Wells where we had a brilliant time walking around town, taking in the unique atmosphere of both towns. Having the sun out for the entire day definitely made up for the rest of the classically dreary overcast skies for the rest of the trip. I found it surprisingly cold as well for London, having left Calgary at a comfortable 20 degrees celcius.
Unfortunately I had little time to really do that much in London other than pack, unpack, catch up for a quick meal with my flatmates and my sister, and head out to the conference and back again. It really was a fleeting visit and before I knew it, I was on the plane back “home”.