Wii Fit? Me Not

Last night I finally got to catch up with my good friends Rehana and Ant. I can’t believe that it has over two months (!!!!!!) since I caught up with Rehana at The Sanctuary. Both Rehana and Ant were looking very good – and Rehana was looking especially perky being seven months pregnant and by her own admission a little large! I thought she was handling the pregnancy well. And Hana – wow has she grown. Hard to imagine she’ll be one year old next Saturday. She’s also very perceptive for a one year old – check her out in these photos the little cutie:

So, we caught up over a very nice roast dinner cooked by Ant (prepared by M&S apparently – ha ha) which was very tasty. Time flew by and before we knew it – it was practically bed time. Not before Ant and I did a bit of gaming however on the Wii. Ant is a boy who is really into his gaming – I think he has a Wii, a Gamecube, a PSP, and and xbox (just to make sure he has a sample of gaming machines from all gaming companies I’m sure!)

Wii Fit is one of the latest games to come out for the Wii but Ant’s first challenge, even before trying to get fit, was in setting it up. This proved impossible for him and after 20 minutes he declared that the Wii just wasn’t reading the CD. Rehana bet him her lie-in for his two lie-ins over the weekend that we girls could set it up. Guess who was right? Of course Rehana was. We girls got it set up in no time and were soon trying it out (until way past midnight!)

Nintendo are certainly on to a winner with their Wii console. I think it has totally revolutionised the market and, the best thing, is it doesn’t rely on sex or violence to sell its games. Game designers must have a heck of a time designing the games and must be very creative to think of the new applications.

Here is Ant giving a balance game a go. I wish I’d caught him doing the Hula Hoop Aerobic workout instead – so funny:

The Wii fit is a very fun game (both as a challenge to yourself but also entertaining for spectators.) Sure you can cheat but if you do the exercises within the spirit that they are intended then surely you can be on the way to being a little fitter, more flexible, stronger and balanced (physically that is.) These are the four core aspects Wii Fit tries to work on: Balance, Muscle, Flexibility (Yoga workouts) and Aerobic. Games are very fun and can be addictive when you get close to completing a task. I found the Yoga poses the most difficult to master. Poor Rehana and Ant – I think they were worried that I’d want to stay all weekend to play! 🙂

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