Bloomsbury Bowling

Take a car park in Central London, renovate it with 8 bowling lanes, a pool table or two, a lounge area and giant bar and you’ve got yourself a nice little money maker. Of course change “car park in Central London” to ” private Pacific island in northern Fiji” and you could be mistaken for Mel Gibson.

So last night we had had the first of a number of London wide “sporting” (used very loosely here) events for work at Bloomsbury Bowling (netball, darts, rounders etc. to follow.) It was actually a pretty decent turn out with about 60-70 of us gamely pulling on the ever so classy bowling shoes to take turns knocking down the pins although I think people spent more time at the bar than in the lanes! It was definitely up for debate whether imbibing in alcohol actually makes you perform better but if our score was any indication I’d say the answer was no!

I think a good time was had by all. Unfortunately we must have been having too good a time as we ended up second last on bowling averages! Oh well – its all about playing the game isn’t it? Not winning …?