Darts – A Work Thing

Tonight we had our third in a series of London wide “sporting” events for work. I’ve already written up the first effort in the Bowling. (The second was the netball at which I wasn’t present as I was in Oz at the time but I’m told we did shockingly …) What was tonight’s event? Well, its pretty obvious from the title – it was Darts. It was a very good turn out at Princess Alice Pub near Aldgate East and everyone was in a very competitive (and extremely loud) spirit. It was almost too rowdy to even take pics so the ones below are some from the end of the night when there were only a few of us left:

Overall it was a pretty good night. Although we didn’t win we didn’t come last (and we didn’t have to rely on team numbers to boost our position) which was a nice change!

2 thoughts on “Darts – A Work Thing

  1. what do you get if you get a pig taking a ride on a male sheep playing the triangle?

    A – a ahamaramadingdong of course Miss Country Corner!

  2. Pingback: Sista Blog » Hunt for Treasure

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