House Rules and the Beginning of an Obsession …

House Rules

Oh, before I continue, these are the house rules for how I am counting my steps:

1. I only put my pedometer on when I leave my home and
2. I take it off as soon as I step foot inside my home

Beginning of an Obsession …

Previously I talked about the fact that I had actually been monitoring my steps for about a week before posting my first blog entry. I thought I had been averaging about 6,000-7,000 steps a day when in fact it turned out to be more like 9,000. My average had to have been pushed up by my massive effort on Sunday that saw me take 18,189 steps, as I couldn’t imagine how I could have possibly averaged 9,000 steps a day throughout the week particularly when I note my pathetic effort on one day that saw me take a paltry 4,138 steps. Okay, so why am I going on about it. Well, I think Sunday was the first day where I actually felt almost obsessed with, firstly, reaching the 10,000 step a day goal I had set for myself and, secondly, making up the steps I had missed on the days I didn’t make it to 10,000. Its amazing what wearing a pedometer actually does to encourage you to take those extra steps every day. To take another example, today just as I was about to walk into my building I happened to check my pedometer. It read 9,540. Almost before I even realized it I was off for a walk around the block.

Final step count for today: 10,084.