Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Its been a couple of months since I last watched a movie and even though Nate and I were at first going to see the very serious An Inconvenient Truth I am so glad we ended up going to see Will Ferrell’s Talladega Nights instead. Five words: You will wet your pants. Oh my lord this was one funny, if just slightly silly, movie.

Will Ferrell plays Ricky Bobby who races, pardon the pun, along with his best budy Cal (John C. Reily) to the top of the Nascar circuit. Along the way he accumulates glory, a trophy bleached-blonde wife, with whom he has two sons hilariously named Walker and Texas Ranger, billions of endorsements and tons of money. It doesn’t take long before he is taking it all for granted. Everything soon unravels when a new challenger appears on the scene: gay French driver Jean played by Sasha Baron Cohen.

Its impossible to even capture how absurd, how stupidly funny, how outrageous, and, “with all due respect”, how offensive this movie was. The greatest thing was that it wasn’t all about Will being the funny man – the whole ensemble got their lick in – and you could tell that they all had a great time making the movie.

To get a taste of the movie check out some memorable quotes from the movie here. You probably won’t get it until you see the movie – but they were dead funny lines.

Shake and Bake baby cause this movie’s a keeper.