
Maximising learning in development: Do Things Multiple Times

Cockburn talks about waterfall development being a poor strategy for learning so what do agile methods give us that allows us to learn better?

One thing I constantly remind myself is that we tend to be write pretty poor code the first time we do it. Unfortunately most people also write a lot of first time code, check it in and move on. Refactoring is one strategy that lets you learn about how to change the code better and is often one that most people reach for.

One practice that I’ve been doing more and more frequently is Do things multiple times. Sounds horrific right? Sounds like a huge waste of time? I think it can be if you don’t learn anything from it. Therefore in order to maximise learning, I think you need to also master a number of supporting practices like Use Version Control, Check in Frequently, Small Commits, and Automated Tests.

Here’s an example of this practice in action:

I’d seen some spike code that had somehow made it’s way into the codebase. It had minimal test coverage, had many more lines of code than I was comfortable with and involved many different classes all slightly dependent on each other in some way. I wanted to refactor it but didn’t really know what the best way of doing it was. I retrofitted some tests around it, running code coverage to get a good understanding about what areas I was now more comfortable changing. I ran the build, got the green light and checked in.

I applied some small refactorings, ran the tests and watched everything spectacularly break. I looked back at what I did and started to understand some of the relationships better. I rolled everything back, this time trying something slightly different, before running the tests again. Things broke in a slightly different way and I spent a little bit of time understanding what happened this time. I rolled things back again and then tried a different approach. I want to emphasise that the timeframe for this is about fifteen or twenty minutes.

Compare it to other approaches I see quite frequently, where someone sets out to do something, gets into a broken situation, finds something else to fix and ends up working on multiple things at once. They keep patching stuff to get the tests to pass again, and once they do, check in and move on.

You should only Do things multiple times if you can Check in Frequently, execute Small Commits (therefore you lose very little when you rollback) and have Automated Tests so you know if you broke anything.

Repeating something is only waste if you don’t learn anything from it.

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