The intersection of technology and leadership

Category: Organisations (Page 4 of 6)

Book Review: Liftoff

At this year’s OOP Conference, Diana Larsen gave me a copy of her latest book, “Liftoff: Launching Agile Teams & Projects” and I promised to write her a review. I found myself with some time on a flight to Chicago and finally got around to reading it. I’m pleased that I did. It’s not a very thick book, but it’s definitely packed with great advice for teams from both Diana and her co-author Ainsley Nies.

Roughly broken into two sections, the book covers why teams should do a Liftoff and great recommendations on how to go about doing it. I agree completely with their premise at the start of the book – a lot about the productivity of teams and organisations often get set in the beginning. Whilst there is great value running a Liftoff even in the midst of a project, if one hasn’t yet run, it offers an opportunity for working relationships to start right at the beginning.

Liftoff Book

It many ways, the Liftoff overlaps with several of the activities we often run during a ThoughtWorks Inception (covered a lot in the Jonathan Rasmussen’s Agile Samurai book). During these periods, we try to help businesses shape the project, and even help them question whether or not the project should even run (fail fast!)

The book offers even more value by focusing on, given a project vision, helping align everyone in a way that helps them work towards that vision. The authors often refer to the trio of elements to cover including Purpose-Alignment-Context to which they describe some very practical advice on planning and running a project liftoff.

I like the way that they’ve also used a number of examples, including one for their own book, that shares examples of the positive impact that liftoffs done well can have for organisations. The book is dense with lots of advice such as detailing who should be involved, what sort of activities you might run, and a set of principles to plan and run your liftoff with.

The second half of the book focuses on agile chartering, making it relevant for teams working today in an agile environment, and who will most likely pick up a copy of this book. I see it as a useful example of applying the first section (liftoffs in general), to a particular working environment and making it more concrete as a guided walkthrough backed by even more real life stories throughout.

I see a lot of value in this for many teams. So many initiatives often get started that people forget about spending time on establishing a real sense of culture and purpose. The result is clear – a group of people that constantly “step around” issues, or a group of people all pulling in different directions clearly visible in the final solution.

What I also like about this practice, is that it doesn’t even have to be about software initiatives and is relevant for any group of people working towards a common purpose.

I think a lot of people will like the fact that it is such a short book. If you’ve read Diana’s other book, Agile Retrospectives, you’ll be familiar with a set of activities that are useful in a different context. This book doesn’t detail the activities that you might choose to run – I see this as too much for a book like this, but covers the important aspects around the thinking behind the activities you might run for your project liftoff.

Summary of XP2011

First full day of XP2011 was a pretty full schedule as I had to prepare for two lightning talks on different subjects. Fortunately both of the topics were very close to my heart, one about learning using the Dreyfus Model (slides) and the other about Systems Thinking (slides). The second day started off with a great breakfast selection at the conference hotel before kicking into the keynote by Esther Derby. Clearly jetlagged, Derby used a set of hand drawn slides to explain her topic, “No Silver Bullets”.

Her presentation style was very conversational and I can’t say that the crowd responded very well to this. Perhaps it was their jetlag as well, or the way the room had been set up. Nevertheless, through many of her stories, I still saw many heads nodding and a really great response on twitter to the things that she was saying.

I’ve followed Derby’s writing for years and could only wish more people would be exposed to them. As a result, I found many of the topics and opinions I found interesting reinforced, such as failing to address the management layer inevitably means agile adoption hits a hard ceiling. Or the oscillating behaviour that results when managers attempt to react to a system with long delays in its feedback cycle. I appreciated the very vivid term, “Bang! Bang!”-management style describing the style of managers who seem to have only two distinct and opposing reactions to a system, unable to moderate their use and wait for systems to find a new equilibrium. If you imagine these two opposing reactions the result of a huge iron lever being flipped, hopefully you can imagine where the noise comes from.

Derby covered lots of different areas, quoting a few people like Donella H Meadows, “The original purpose of hierarchies was to serve the sub systems, not the other way around.” And the work that George Lakoff does with word association with metaphors in our everyday use. Raising self awareness of your own in built biases and metaphors is another key thing she emphasised focusing on the judgements, habits, feelings, thoughts, mental models, beliefs, rules and values we tend to be intrinsically governed by. I particularly liked the phrase she uses to help people uncover their own and others’ mental models, “In what world would this make sense?”

She told one great story about the dangers of measurements as targets, using the example of the manager who decided to “Grade developer estimates”. This manager decided to give A’s to those who estimated on time, B’s to those who estimated over time, and C’s to those who estimated under time. Of course, you can imagine what magically happened as people’s grades mysteriously improved.

She also reminded me of the work of Ackoff, who I need to revisit, and the great work that he’s written about Systems Thinking. I have only been able to refer to the Fifth Discipline as a Systems Thinking book, but I really need to read his other ones to see if they would be of use, or are more accessible.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. A couple of highlights included seeing Marcus Ahnve take the work Luca Grulla and Brian Blignaut did with TDDing javascript to the next level and doing a demo of BDD.

David J. Anderson also reminded me of the importance to think in terms of the languages executives speak in order to better get our message across. He reminded me of all the great things that Ross Pettit has to say, although I think Anderson’s analysis on accounting for software development costs doesn’t seem to match with some of the data I’ve heard from Pettit.

There was so much more to the conference. Always the way great conversations emerged and the wonderful atmosphere of the hotel adding to the uniqueness to this event.

Long Feedback Cycle on a 4 Year Old Project

Almost five and a half years ago, one my first project in the UK, I built a constrained email tempting engine to be used by marketing folk with a small team of three other developers. I think we worked for about six to eight weeks to develop the entire application, including retrofitting its integrate its output with another system.

A year or two ago, we had some consultants return to the client who talked to one of the original developers who still worked for the same client. They spoke fondly of the good times he had on our team, and spoke proudly about the application we wrote. In the four years or so of constant use (they would revisit their emails at least once a month), the users apparently only ever reported one bug. He mentioned that bug (a special character in the email subject line) was also deprioritised from the original work we did. It was an enough fix and with test around it, was not a problem updating the system.

I certainly appreciated the feedback, particularly since you don’t always get to return to see the long term results of the work you do as a consultant, or even just as a developer.

Some of the great things I learned from that project.

Acceptance Test Driven Development is entirely possible
We worked hard to test drive this Swing based application from the start. It really changed the way that we designed the application and all of us learned a whole heap about understanding testable presentation patterns. It formed the basis of several talks and the knowledge, particularly the separation of concerns is entirely applicable to all sorts of other tools and interfaces such as javascript, or command line interfaces.

On a different note, coverage combining end to end acceptance test and unit tests meant we had 100% code coverage. It was never the goal, but interesting to see on this application it was entirely possible.

Never discourage people from trying new things
The organisation was rife with contractors. Not all of them entirely passionate. I love building great teams and the fact that everyone was learning, and saw things being delivered reignited people’s passions to do various things. I distinctly remember two events made possible by encouraging people to explore their passions and strengths.

One of the developers, interested in the User Experience side asked if he could do some user testing with the application. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but certainly encouraged him to do that. He did, what some people call Guerilla Usability Testing – grabbing someone who didn’t know anything about our application, and giving them a task list to complete as he watched them over the shoulder. Based on this study, we found out, to no surprise, the way we laid out the application didn’t make some of the tasks as easy as they could have been. We channeled this feedback into our interface and helped make life easier for its users.

The other event, a contractor, seemed to find his passion for developing usable software reignited. Everyone will know that swing applications aren’t the nicest things to look at. I remember coming in one morning to find that whole interface reskinned and redeveloped. It looked a whole load better than what you’d get with swing out of the box.

I found out much later that he had, by his own volition, worked a couple of extra hours one night to reskin our interface using JGoodies because he wanted make the interface attractive to users. Awesome stuff that would never have happened without encouragement to do “the right thing”.

Involving real users
As a systems thinker, I know that the purpose of the project should have been an intermediate step towards a bigger change. The real problem was that the organisation was a missing feedback loop from IT back into marketing. I knew that then, and I know that know, however being pragmatic and realistic, you can only do good things within your own sphere of influence. Trying to change how the entire marketing and IT department silos worked (or failed to work together) would take much more than the two or three months I was going to be there.

Fortunately, we had one person on our project who had worked for their company for a while and had a couple of good contacts in marketing. Whilst we couldn’t change the way projects spun up, we managed to get someone who was going to use our software down, early, and show them what we were building for them. More than that, they asked for somethings (that we could almost immediately turn around for them) and they were blown away that their feedback actually mattered and made a difference.

I appreciate good projects, and where possible, create those environments for others to thrive in. There are many good things to carry forward in these things and can only hope others benefit from it as well.

Argyris’ article: Good Communication that blocks learning

Benjamin Mitchell asked for my thoughts on this article at the start of the month. I’ve finally had some time to read it so I thought I’d share my thoughts. It’s much easier to blog about it than to tweet it. Mitchell is a big proponent of Arygris’ work and a lot of what Mitchell talks about resonates a lot about with my own observations in the world.

This very old article, published in 1994, still holds relevance to today’s organisations and managements. I think, if anything, it’s even more relevant as organisations look to adopt agile methods and thinking to help improve responsiveness. Argyris links back stories and observations back to some of the ideas he is well known for including the difference between single loop and double loop learning and theory in use versus theory in action (what you say versus what you really do).

What stood out for me was Argyris’ interpretation of “good communication”. He uses plenty of examples where managers focus on the “positive” to the detriment of covering over their own opinions and what they really think. These examples naturally fuel his arguments between unsustainable change and how these very actions prevent people from accomplishing any learning. For me I find it fascinating his association with “good communication” meaning communication that solely focuses on “positive” emotions.

When I think of “good communication”, I more think of effective communication. For me, this is more of the idea behind the interests-based negotiation talked about in the book Getting to Yes, or the ability to really talk about the matters that really matter like in the books, Crucial Conversations and Crucial Confrontations. Lying, or hiding what you think is not what I’d call effective, or good, communication.

I still think that Argyris’ article has value and relevance for today. I see many of the examples of behaviours he writes about in managers trying to flex authority in order to empower people. I liked his description of a CEO “lending power” to people instead of trying to question why the system prevents people from taking action on their own. My only issue with the article is that he’s examples do not resonate strongly for me for demonstrating good communication.

Systems Thinking: The Leaders Summit

I was fortunate enough to attend The Leaders Summit organised by John Seddon’s company, Vanguard. The day unfolded with plenty of people talking about applying systems thinking/lean thinking to various environments.

Given Seddon’s experience with the public sector, I wasn’t surprised by the large number of people from other public sector organisations. In fact, given the perceived ineffectiveness of many public services, I’m all for this enthusiasm and interest.

Some of my key takeaways follow, however it’s definitely worth while checking out the, very much more detailed and thorough, blogging from Benjamin Mitchell here.

Change is hard – agile transformations, same for systems thinking transformations
A lot of the presenters talked about the difficult positions they were in before looking toward systems thinking. They all had their critics, all the usual people not wanting to do things differently, and support or lack of support from management. For example, one speaker, Denise Lyons from East Devon District Council encountered the “That’s how we’ve always done it around here” mentality.

Another speaker had to sneak their change program through existing mechanisms for change and business efficiencies. Even the questions asked by the audience reflected this.

I found this interesting as these are often the same problems we see, trying to introduce agile values into the software delivery capabilities of organisations. Even many of methods for helping people with change were the same.

Pragmatic Improvement
One of the questions we often struggle with, applying lean and agile to the software delivery part of an organisation, is should we really be working on the entire organisation structure. Listening to some of the speakers is that it’s worth starting somewhere and build on that success.

Rob Brown talks about the long changes still to go rolling systems thinking out to the rest of the organisation, but there was plenty of value already generated by implementing it in that area. For example, they still have to deal with the HR challenges of annual appraisals and all the budgeting games of the larger organisation.

All the speakers emphasised the way of starting small, and building on that success. Of course, this still ensures that you take as large of a systemic view as much as possible. Some of the constraints will be out of your control.

Labels don’t really matter
As much as everyone used the labels of the Vanguard consultants, I found it refreshing to hear about people really understanding the ideas behind lean thinking from a systems perspective without getting too hung up on the labels. One of the people talked about instead of “interventions”, they did “reviews”. It was also refreshing to get Dr Steven Allder, someone who came to systems and lean thinking through Peter Senge who didn’t use the same labels but you could see the same thinking behind it.

Performance is Emergent Behaviour

Mark’s tweets got me thinking when I tweeted a short number of responses back at him recetly. Unfortunately twitter isn’t a great place to have a long and well thought conversation and figured I would blog about it like Mark did.

The gist of the conversation seem to float around two positions that seem to be in conflict.

One position states: someone’s behaviour is determined by their environment (or system). This is certainly the view that John Seddon writes about a lot in his book, Freedom from Command and Control.

Most people read this position and (incorrectly) deduce, someone’s behaviour is solely determined by their environment (or system) therefore, it is best to focus on one of them.

Mark makes a great observation that people perform “differently” given they have the same environment. In an environment, sometimes those “differences” may be “better”.

To which I responded in the brevity required by 140 characters, “different strengths and interests at play. Emergent behaviour based on individual and environment.”

Emergent behaviour in this case can be seen as much more than just strengths and interests at play. People are complex systems and highly unpredictable. Each individual goes through many different experiences. Just as an example, everyone’s commute around London is different. Train failure? Tube strike? Traffic on the street? Walking to work? Everyone has different social structures – sleep deprivation from young kids, happiness from a child’s graduation, hard night out celebrating a friend’s send off. Even the weather has a huge impact on people (though everyone responds differently).

It’s rare that I think we are all in the “same” environment all the time.

Add in the topics you’re currently interested in, the events unfolding around you and regardless of the system, and the skills, strengths at play and ambitions, I hope you start to understand why everyone behaves differently. Of course some of those elements in the system have minor impact on the end result yet might explain why some perform “better” (i.e. differently) to others.

John Seddon Keynote

As part of our closing keynote, English based systems thinker and well known author, John Seddon presented his keynote. Interestingly, like many speakers these days, Seddon presented with zero slides and talked about the application of systems thinking and the work that he did.

Having been a speaker with plenty of experience, he definitely came across with plenty of confidence, timing his witty remarks perfectly. Backing them up with personal stories about their success and simple things that others could relate to, I think he definitely hit the mark as a keynote speaker getting more people to think and applying systems thinking to the work that we do.

For a number of us already interested in this field of study and almost active application, I think we were simply glad to hear about how someone has been so successful in its application. This is particularly important around its pragmatic application.

His talk reinforced the importance of helping people see the system for themselves, rather than trying to fix the problems for them and how that will lead to longer lasting results. His talk also highlighted that the work that we do in an agile world isn’t always the best place to focus our efforts because we don’t really want to be delivering the wrong thing faster. Whilst I think many practitioners realise this in the agile community, those with less experience or those simply looking to make money out of a value set do not – and something more people need to understand as it’s adoption grows larger.

Finally as much of a friendly and well opinionated man as Seddon is, he is clear where he stands with the term lean, frequently used in his vocabulary in a derogatory sense. I found this point particularly interesting because my experience, and the ideas espoused by other lean followers in the software community harks back to the value and mindset of lean, rather than the tool junkies and commercial lean people Seddon seems to associate the term with. For me it was an important reminder to validate other people’s association and anchors with words before moving towards more fruitful conversations.

I’d definitely recommend Seddon as a speaker and at least the book I read, Freedom from Command and Control.

XP2010 Review

This year’s XP2010 conference was held in the great Northern parts of Norway, up in Trondheim, only about 200km south from my first XP conference (XP2006) I attended several years ago. I always find this series of conferences interesting, partly because there is always the blend between the academic (research papers and experience reports) and the industrial side as well as the infusion of the hosting country’s culture.

This year, the conference saw 425 attendees (50% of them Norwegian) across 8 different tracks and covering four days of a wide variety of conference mixtures including Lightning Talks, Panels, Workshops, Tutorials, and Open Space events.


The first of the two keynotes, run by Scott Page was my favourite – a lecturer and researched on complexity in different environments. He talked about the importance of diversity and its impact on building better solutions as well as a provable formula calculating what the wisdom of the crowds was. Hopefully they’ll be putting up his slides somewhere as a result.

The second of the keynotes, ran by David Anderson did a great job of condensing down a long talk into a thought-provoking discussion on the work that he’s been doing on building a Kanban movement in the places he’s been working as well as a discussion of his recently released book about Kanban. He had some nice visualisations on the slides and even finished slightly earlier with plenty of times for questions.

Overall the conference seemed to have a nice blend of both process and technical topics, although there were a few complaints about specific discussions around “XP” itself although I think plenty of discussions about specific practices quite useful within any agile context.

I ended up much busier than I thought I would be, playing host for two of the session talks, helping out with a Pecha Kucha (more on that later) session and running a workshop on my own.


Venue, organisation and efficiency wise, the organisers need to be congratulated on a job that will be hard to surpass. Everything seemed to run smoothly including an amazing and difficult-to-forget Conference Banquet involving interesting local foods (smoked reindeer heart, moose and local seafood), a pair of comedic jazz academics, Keep of Kalessin playing some Extreme Metal, all inside Trondheim’s amazing Student Society venue.


The strangest part of the conference for me was participating in a “What’s in my agile suitcase?” Pecha Kucha run by Martin Heider and Bernd Schiffer. You can read more about the format here and it was great to be one of the five other prepared Pecha Kucha’s including Rachel Davies, Mary Poppendieck, Joshua Kierevsky and Jeff Patton. I found the diversity of styles and approaches fascinating as well as the specific things that people “packed” in their suitcases. Being the first time format all the speakers found it a fascinating format made thrilling by the short-time and the fact you don’t have control over the timing of the slides. If I were to do this differently, I’d definitely try to focus on a smaller range of topics (or just one).

My week ended (as did the conference) with my final workshop called “Building the Testing Pipeline.” I’d specifically targeted people who’d been working with automated tests for some time and I ended up with a surprisingly full room. I’d run this previously at ACCU with a slightly different audience. We had some great brainstorming sessions (I’ll be putting that up soon) and hopefully more people came away thinking more consciously about the balance of tests they have and whether or not they have the correct balance that maximises their confidence, and minimises their feedback cycle.

I’m also very proud that the experience report that I shepherded won best paper (experience report), and I finally got to meet the author, Jørn Ola Birkeland of Bekk Consulting, in person to congratulate him on the day.

Thanks to all the organisers, participants, and passionate people that made the conference so much fun and success. Wonderful to reconnect with old friends and make many new ones.

ThoughtWorks Global Culture

I’ve been fortunate enough to spend my last week (most of it holidays) in Australia at ThoughtWorks’ Melbourne office. The last time that I visited here was when I first joined over six years ago.

One of the things I love about visiting our other offices is to see how consistently strong the company culture is. We have so many unique individuals yet there is some common bond that easily makes us identify with each other. I feel it’s part of the passion that we all share, and our ability to have fun all the time. In fact, I’ve never laughed so hard this last week for some time now.

I’m proud to be part of this family and will definitely miss all my Australia colleagues.

QCon London 2010 Day 3

The pace of the conference and the speakers drinks event on Thursday night meant that I missed the first session on the final day. It’s a shame since I think Joe Armstrong would have been good to listen to. I look forward to reading anyone’s report of that session in the blogosphere.

Track: The Concurrency Challenge – Session: Embracing Concurrency at Scale

I really appreciated this speaker for being very pragmatic and conscious about helping people think more explicitly about tradeoffs. He encouraged people to actively think about what solution is most appropriate considering there is always some trade off.

This session resonated another one of those ideas that we use “models” all the time and that models are inherently limited by simplifying things. As the speaker said, “There are many models in science, all of them wrong but some of them useful.” He used time as an example in that there are many ways of looking at it although we have a tendency to want to structure it linearly. “When you admit time is a difficult problem, you will have problems with multiple actors”.

He talked about the ideas that we like convenient mechanisms (such as distributed transactions) because they’re easy to grok and we’re comfortable with those ideas but because they have implicit state, you’re throwing away the value of distributed systems. He went on to talk about how we’re taught about the goodness of ACID properties (particularly around database-centric applications). The alternative he presents is BASE (Basic, Availability, Soft State, Eventual Consistency). There’s apparently a paper on this found here (ACM login required). He referenced Pat Helland’s alternative definition of the acronym, Associative, Commutative, Idempotent and Distributed.

Once again, he emphasises the importance of making the decision on alternatives an explicit one and there is a real tradeoff. This was yet another time someone talked about the CAP theorem that describes three different system properties but you can only guarantee two of them. It’s great as a reminder and highly recommend you read about it as a refresher.

He talks about the world being Eventually Consistent and that “We shouldn’t try to model a world more perfect than it actually is”. He gave a number of examples of using this in practice, and there are ways to make sure that you try to do this. One such example was a Shopping Cart situation where a service should tell the “stock to decrement by 1” instead of “reduce stock from 99 to 98”. I think this is just another example of good OO (tell, don’t ask).

Track: Solution – Session: Scenario Driven Development

Our own Ben Butler Cole ran this session that attracted a huge audience considering it was running in the Solution Track. Ben attempted to help people understand how to use Scenario based testing instead of alternatives such as exhaustive acceptance testing or story based acceptance testing as the regression suite.

I think the audience were largely sceptical but Ben’s views align very similarly to the things I’ve seen on projects, particularly when doing development using stories. One of the misunderstandings about automated testing and stories is that everyone always views stories as additive. For me, you not only have stories that add functionality, you also have stories that change functionality (replace) and stories that also cause functionality to disappear. I tend to think the set of tests also goes hand in hand – if you’re deleting functionality, you should be deleting existing tests as well, or if you’re changing tests, you should be changing existing tests.

I think part of the problem is that stories are kind of fractal in nature and the scenarios that Ben talked about were like at an epic level (maybe even a use case level). What is interesting is how you go about enhancing, maintaining that scenario over time and how the team works around those scenarios – something we unfortunately only got a taster for in the hour.

I heard a lot of people still come away with lots of interesting insights and I would highly recommend everyone go and listen to Ben speak even if it’s just to hear him present. Totally worth it.

Track: The Concurrency Challenge – Session: Modelling Concurrency with Actors in Java – Lessons learned from Erjang

This session was fairly packed out, I guess given the hype of people working with or wanting to work with Erlang. This presenter’s take was interesting because in order to better understand concurrency and Erlang, this guy decided to implement an interpreter on top of the JVM (instead of simply playing around with the language).

The premise behind his talk was that Object Orientation as a paradigm brought with it plenty of productivity and that Actor-based modelling was going to be the thing to give us the next boost. Whilst I admire his premise, I don’t necessarily agree. I don’t think we’re all that good (as an industry) as implementing Object Orientation. I do think things like the JVM have helped raise the abstraction level so that we don’t need to think as much about the lower level memory management (although you have a memory leak in these languages if you’re not careful).

He spent a long time fascinating all the language geeks with his ability to run a simply Erlang program on top of his project, Erjang (Erlang on the JVM) but I really wanted to hear about the lessons learned from programming instead of the technical details of writing an interpreter on the JVM, something he spent a majority of the time on. I don’t think there were very many interesting bits other than designing parts of a system with different ideas. As he said, “Imagine treating parts of system as different actors with different responsibilities?” to which I was thinking, “That’s what good Object Orientation is about. Treating objects playing different roles with the right set of (small) responsibilities”. Nothing new unfortunately.

Track: How do you want to test that? – Session: Performance Testing at the Edge
This session brought a lot of mixed reactions. I agree that the start of it seemed a little bit commercial, talking about their product and the complexities of performance testing. I like discussing the importance of performance testing for applications because it’s one of those things that are often neglected and really not treated very well. This presenter eventually got around to talking about some of these aspects, but like many of the talks still ended up being fairly late in the talk.

I think that this speaker had a lot of great things to say and although much of it was very common sense, didn’t give people an impression about how they could go about doing it well. They had some interesting approaches to monitoring performance such as running it on the same set of dedicated hardware (that wasn’t even a replica of production). This has a trade off of being able to compare results over time which they had some interesting graphs, although it is at a cost of being a proper representative sample of what the software might actually run on.

I found that some of the good things he talked about were similar to the talk that Alistair and I had, although it still sounded like the performance testing team was a predominantly split responsibility that worked orthogonally to the actual development team. It also sounds like there was a big cultural barrier that they have been trying to break down by getting developers to write performance tests and have some more ownership.

The crowd also had a lot of scepticism about convincing a business to invest in the automation of performance testing.

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