The intersection of technology and leadership

Category: Teams (Page 3 of 8)

Being agile instead of doing agile

My last delivery gig was a great reminder about keeping the principles and values of the Agile Manifesto in mind. It was unlike any agile method that you would probably recognise.

We were building a prototype system to demonstrate the capabilities of a technical standard and the data that it contained. Our main stakeholders, both relatively non-technical knew the type of audience the prototype was intended to influence and making a technical standard come to life with an interactive prototype was our remit. We had free reign of how we worked, the technology we used but our approach consistently remained true to the agile set of values and principles – focused on value through the demonstration of working software in a collaborative and adaptive manner.

I think about how we worked at the end of the project, and it looked nothing like how we worked at the start of the project.

Communication was key

Our small team was highly distributed – our two stakeholders located in one part of Switzerland, two of our team members (mostly working) in Germany, one of our team members moving between London, Germany and the client and myself where, during one week was in London, Manchester and then Germany. We knew communication was going to be tough. Our first step was ensuring we kicked the work as a team together in the same place. We spent the first week working with a large variety of industry stakeholders, understanding their concerns, the issues the new standard was going to address, and trying to get into the heads of our own stakeholders about what they were trying to do. This time turned out to be essential in guiding our future work and helped us connect the “what” to the “why”.

With our high level of distribution, we knew that we would need to do multiple channels of communication. We started off with daily stand-ups using video conferencing software with our stakeholders, which later turned into daily showcases at some point to help us further plan more work. When one of our team members moved remotely, we even did daily afternoon stand-ups to ensure that we kept synced with any major shifts in the day.

We experimented with many forms of chat software early on. We tried google hangout (but it seemed to turn one of our machines into furnace), we tried group skype, we tried google chat and we ended up settling up on chatzy as a way of having a persistent chat. We evolved a protocol of trying to have conversations in the chat room, so that when our remote member came back from meetings with stakeholders, they could easily answer and respond.

We experimented (probably half-way into the project) with leaving our video conferencing software (GoTo Meeting) on when one of our members were remote so that it felt like they were in the room and they could see us in the room. A spare laptop (our build server) and a simple crate fixture to prop it up so they could see us worked well.

We gave up using a physical wall in favour of an online card wall (Trello) as a mechanism for sharing work. Our ability to concurrently edit/update that turned out a great way of capturing and sharing notes.

Daily planning and story-writing sessions

Our “stories” were small. Our technical team of two developers, a user experience/front-end designer could churn through a lot in this context (moving between 20-40 stories per week) and we worked hard to ensure that we identified and split stories based on new needs and feedback from our stakeholders.

When we first started off, we started off doing a story-writing session to tackle our initial user journeys. The first session, I remember being remote and we were still able to “sit down” as a group and do a brainstorm. We set aside fifteen minutes, and split in two sites (me remote) and the rest of the team in one place we all got index cards out and brainstormed potential user stories. I used the in-built video camera in my laptop to share my index cards and they did the reverse as we talked through each one via video conferencing software. At some point, further on in the prototype, we moved to a daily planning session where we’d capture ideas directly into our online card wall.

Continuous Deployment

We still had a small build pipeline into production with a handful of unit tests to sanity check our final product that would automatically deploy the latest build into our “production” environment. I’m not sure, but I would guess that we deployed into production at least twenty times a day (as a team) and our stakeholders were surprised to see the system evolve even as they were interacting with it.

Even during some showcases, we were able to fix small issues (such as wording, placement) and have it appear a few minutes later.

Automated unit tests for quick feedback and design

Given it was a prototype, we were clear we didn’t need to have as much automated testing in place for a system that would have a very short shelf life. For us, testing goes beyond validating the behaviour you expect to a mechanism to drive design. If it’s hard to test, there’s probably something about the design that needs to change. For us, our tests provided two mechanisms – fast feedback about when to address code smells, and the other was to validate the simulated data model that needed to represent “realistic data.”

Given the domain our prototype worked in, our clients needed a balance where they didn’t want any real examples, but they wanted “realistic” samples. This means that we ended up modelling our customer’s domain in a way that let us generate new datasets easily. As an example, when we needed to extrapolate a “points based system” based on constraints that someone ran a search by, we only needed to touch one class to generate data that we tested as quite realistic against end users of the system. Prices had a relationship between the brand of the product and class of service, and this was just as easily modelled. Our unit tests allowed us to evolve characteristics of our model before plugging in new inputs to generate different outputs.

Poly-skilling or anyone could fulfill any responsibility

We all took part in story-writing. We started off with our analyst taking care of tracking progress, but we quickly moved that responsibility to a developer so that they could better use of their time testing the system with end users, and distilling the feedback from the large number of sources.

Our user experience designer was fantastically competent as a front-end developer and even let us lonely developers have a go at reworking some icons that needed adapting based on user feedback because his time was better spent looking at overall flow.

We took time out as a group to take part in exploratory testing trying to find weird user-nuances, edge bugs compiling them into a google spreadsheet before working with our stakeholders to feed them back into work.

Everyone on the team had a go at facilitating retrospectives and organising the feedback sessions that gave us the steer on which further direction to move in.

As a team, we made sure that everything that needed to happen happened without being precious about who did it.

Continuous reflection and continual improvement

Although we held a small handful of retrospectives, they weren’t our only opportunity to improve. If someone wanted to try something, we gave it a go for a day and then worked out if we wanted to continue doing it. Some things died off if someone felt we weren’t getting value from it. Other things just continued on because it seemed to work for us.

Developing social connections in the team

One activity we used to kick off our team was also to be explicit about some of our natural preferences – such as what sort of chronotype we were.

I think one thing that worked really well for us was having lunch together when we were in the same location. Mostly this was in Germany, which has a culture of having a sit-down lunch rather than the grab-and-go culture in the UK. I think this helped us bond as a team, and we grew to know each other more, sense each other’s working preferences and just get a chance to know each other much more.

Looking back at a year with a client

Over the last twelve months, I’ve worked with a client to rebuild a digital platform and a team to deliver it. It’s now time for us to leave, and a perfect time to reflect on how things went. The digital platform rebuild was part of a greater transformation programme that also involved the entire business changing alongside at almost all levels of people in the organisation. The programme also outlined, before we arrived, outlined a complete change in all technology platforms as well (CRM, CMS, website) to be rebuilt for a more integrated and holistic service offering.

Our part in this program turned into building the new web digital platform, working against a very high level roadmap, and a hard marketing deadline. We ended up building the site using Ruby on Rails serving content driven by a 3rd party decisioning platform (much like Amazon recommendations) guided by the business vision of better tailored content for end users. We didn’t have much input into the final choice of several products. I’m very proud of the end result, particularly given the tense and short-timed framed environment in which we worked. Here are some examples of constraints we worked with:

  • 4 Product Owners over the span of 11 months – From January this year, through to the end of October, the business was onto its fourth Product Owner for the digital platform. Building a consistent product is pretty much nigh impossible with changing product hands, and trying to bridge work from one Product Owner to the next was definitely a challenge.
  • Constant churn in the business – The 4 product owners is one instance, but we would often be working with people in the business to work out what should be done, only to find that the following week they were no longer with the business.
  • 3 Design Agencies engaged resulting in “reskinning” approved by the board before the 6 month public launch – We saw several “design changes” done by firms well stocked with people capable of generating beautifully-rendered PDFs that were signed off. However often these would imply new functional work, or be impractical to the web medium.
  • Marketing deadlines announced well before the development team had been engaged – A common pattern in the business was marketing launching a press release announcing a date, well before the people involved in delivering it were made aware, or even consulted on it.
  • PM Explosion – At one point, it felt like we had more Project Managers on the group planning out work with budgets and timelines that would be approved well before the development team had been approached.

Even with these constraints we’ve been able to deploy to production 37 times in the last three months and more since the original MVP go-live in July. Part of what I’m particularly proud of is the team where we were able to achieve the following:

  • Building an Evolvable Architecture – We questioned the original choice and need for a CMS but with a constraint that a decision had been made on buying these tools, we architected a solution that would hide the implementation details of the CMS via a content service. With our TW experience and pain dealing with CMSes that are shadowed by business need, we wanted something that would not constrain what the business could achieve (hence the decoupling). We even had a chance to prove this out when the business requirements quickly hit the limit of the CMS’s built in categorisation module.
  • Responding to Change – The business roadmaps seems to change on a daily basis, and our team was able to quickly tack to accommodate these business changes. We changed the team structure as the team size increased, changed the team structure as we went live, and again as people in the business changed. Whilst our process felt similar, it would look nothing like a textbook XP, Scrum or Kanban process.
  • Improving the Process – Our team has been constantly trying to change the process not only internally to the development team, but also helping people in the business find ways of improving their own way of working. Progress has been slow as the change that starts falters as people leave. Retrospectives have been a key tool but also has the ability for the team to feel empowered with recommending and pursuing improvements they see fit.
  • Setting an example of transparency – Showcases are key to the business, and we would offer fortnightly showcases to the features built to the entire organisation. Huge numbers of people came along and I found it fascinating that it was one place where people had an opportunity to talk across silos. This sometimes slowed down our ability to show what we had actually done, but I felt exposed missing communication structures that people still needed.

At a technical level, I’m really proud of some of the principles I wanted to achieve at the start and that the team lived throughout (I’d love to hear what their experience is). Some of these include:

  • Fast developer setup – Getting started on each new machine should be fast without complicated installation processes
  • Developers rotating through operations – There’s nothing like supporting the code you wrote to help developers understand the importance of logging, test cases that are missed and just experiencing what production support is like
  • DevOps culture – Everyone on the team is capable of navigating puppet, knowing where to look for configuration changes and ensuring that applications are configurable enough to be deployed without special builds across environments.
  • Continuous Delivery – Our second product owner (the first transitioned out the day we went live) actually asked for us to release less often (i.e. it is a business decision to go-live) so that they could work with the rest of the business to ensure they had their non-IT dependencies in place.
  • Devolved Authority to Feature Leads – I blogged previously about Feature Leads who could help shape the technical solution and drive the knowledge for the project.
  • Metrics Driven Requirements – Though not completely successful, we were able to stop the business from implementing some feature by showing them production metrics. In this case, we were able to avoid building a complex search algorithm to show that we could achieve the same result by adding to a list of synonyms on search.
  • Everyone grows – If I look back at the project, I think everyone on the team has experienced and grown a significant amount in different ways. I think we struck a good balance between being able to work towards individuals goals and find ways they could help the project at the same time.

Other particular things I’m proud of the team:

  • Taming the Hippo – Worthy of its own post, Hippo CMS has been one of the least developer friendly tools I’ve had to deal with for some time. The team managed to work out how to run an effective functional test around its poor UI as well as deploy and upgrade the beast in different environments without the 12 step manual process outlined on their wiki.
  • Rapid team size – Management wanted the entire team to start at the same time. Even being able to push back, we ended up with a very aggressive ramp up and we still managed to deliver well.
  • Diverse but co-operative – We had something like 17 people and 14 different nationalities and it’s one of the strongest teams I’ve seen who were able to work through their differences and forge ahead.

Things that I would like to be different:

  • Find a way to code a lot more – Due to the circumstances, many elements drew me away from coding. At best, I can remember pairing with someone for at most two days a week (for a short time) and I would like to find a way to do that more.
  • Implement more validated learning – Although dependent on a product owner willing to do this, I would have liked to work more on trying to build and experiment a lot more.
  • Have a stronger relationship with decision makers with authority – I believe development teams work best when they are connected to people who can make decisions, not just organisational proxies who provide answers. Unfortunately I felt most of this cascaded very far up the organisation and due to the constant flux and organisational change, this wasn’t possible in the timeframe. I’m hopeful that as the business matures and more permanent people find their place, this will be more possible.

Goto Aarhus 2012

This year was my first time to both attend and present at Goto Aarhus. Over the years, many of my colleagues have said that it’s one of the best conferences with topics in lots of different areas. This year focused on topics such as NoSQL, Big Data, Humans at Work, Javascript, Continuous Delivery, Cloud and many more areas.

Two of the best presentations I attended, both for content and delivery were Sam Newman and Jez Humble, author of Continuous Delivery (Disclaimer: They are my colleagues after all). What I enjoyed about their talks were both their talk about real world examples, as well as important advice as well as the delivery. Getting the balance right is really difficult to do.

I also really liked the keynote from Dirk Duellmann from CERN who talked about the big data challenges they have storing information. Although it took a while to get to the meaty part of the data, storage details I think it’s a very interesting outlook they have with architectural choices such as the view that they cannot design for hardware or devices today as these will be obsolete as time goes forward. Being able to retrieve historical information is important as it the ability to store all of the data in a format others can read. They have realised the importance of the scale of the work they are doing, so they are focusing on doing something good (storing and making available data) and working with other groups to do the analysis.

There were loads of highlights such as meeting many new people and connecting with old ones as well as some interesting side conversations.

I gave my talk (above) and was very happy with the results. The Trifork team behind the conference are awesome at getting feedback to presenters for quickly and I was very happy with the results. The conference uses a simple voting system for feedback (red, yellow, green) and they keep track of the number of walk outs. I ended up with 90 green, 26 yellow, 1 red and only 2 walkouts. I have no idea how that compares with other speakers but I’m pretty happy with the results. What I also appreciated were the people who came up afterwards to talk to me about how the topic is really important and what some people got out of it (affirmation they are doing the right thing, new ideas to take back, new books to read, more things to focus on, or a good idea of how to prepare as they step into the role).

Spike Showcase

A key concern of mine, as a Technical Leader is ensuring that knowledge is distributed on a team. Working on a large team makes that a challenge because so many changes happen at the same time, but you’re also dealing with multiple learning and communication styles. This means that one technique doesn’t work as well as another. Due to my passion for learning, I try to keep this in mind and try to ensure we use multiple channels for getting information to everyone.

One practice we’ve been experimenting on our project is one we call, “The Spike Showcase”. Spikes come from the Extreme Programming methodology and represent an investigation into an area the team doesn’t have knowledge of. We create one of these when we need to generate options for the business, or when we are dealing with a new integration point and want to assess the quality, testability, or best designs. That knowledge is normally take on by a pair and remains dangerously siloed on a fairly large team.

Image sourced from drubuntu’s flickr stream

The pair normally writes up their outcome on the wiki (for long term purposes) and they have an area where they can check in their code for reference, yet documentation is not very engaging and I know that most people on the team won’t look at the code unless they are going to work in that area because they are busy doing other things. Pair programming solves this problem to a degree, but on a large team would take a long time to distribute the information.

Our solution has been to hold a “Spike Showcase” where the pair who completed the spike hold a session with the entire development team, talking about what the problem space is, what they tried, and running through the design and solution. Depending on the type of problem being solved, the pair will use a white board to diagram the logical interactions, or show some screenshots of what they were trying to achieve from a business sense and then they will demonstrate the spike solution in action before finally showing the code and how it all works. We then run some question and answers with the team (allowing people to pull knowledge) before finishing up.

We have run several “Spike Showcases” now and I feel they are invaluable to ensuring a large team keeps abreast of various solutions going on.

Reflections on Agile 2012

Another year, another agile conference. It’s time for reflecting on the conference and uncovering lessons learned. Dallas, Texas hosted this year’s Agile Conference. More accurately, the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine hosted this year’s Agile Conference. Loved by many at the conference (notably less so by Europeans) the resort reminds me of the Eden Project and a weird biosphere (see picture below) that is self-contained and fully air-conditioned. Although maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing with a West Nile virus outbreak in Dallas.

Needless to say that I stepped out quite a bit to try to get some fresh, if not, refreshingly humid air.

Onto the conference. It was very well organised, very well run and even rapidly responded to feedback (such as moving rooms when demand proved too much for some of the anticipated sessions. Food came out very promptly in the different breaks. We didn’t have to queue too long and the variety was pretty good. The only breakdown was probably the Tuesday lunchtime where it wasn’t clear we had to get our own food and with a limited number of on-site restaurants in our self-enclosed bubble world, proved to be a bit of a tight squeeze in schedule.

The people at the conference seemed to be a bit of a mix. Mainly lots of consultants like myself sharing their experiences, but as one person noted, an extraordinary number of agile coaches all apparently looking for work. On the other extreme there seemed to be lots of companies adopting agile and lots of people selling tools and training to help them.

Lots of parallel tracks meant lots of choice for many people but I often found it hard to find things that worked for me. I’m less interested in “enterprise agile adoption”, and more interested in the practices pushing the boundaries, or the deep insight offered by people. The few technical sessions I went seemed to be aimed at a bit more of an introductory audience. I particularly avoided any of the “do this with scrum” or “do this with kanban” as these appeared by be pushing.

In terms of keynotes, I thought they did a great job of assembling some diverse and interesting sessions. Although Bob Sutton (No A**hole Rule author) felt like he didn’t do much preparation for his keynote from the text heavy slides that jumped at different paces, he had some good anecdotes and stories to share. My biggest takeaway from that session was thinking about taking away practices just as much as adding practices, something that I think I do implicitly but should try to do more explicitly. The other keynotes were pretty inspiring as well, with Dr. Sunita Maheshwari behind Telerad talking about her accidental experiment moving into doing remote radiology to support the night-shift need of hospitals in the US and the interesting growth of their business. The other really inspirational keynote was by Joe Justice, the guy behind the amazing Wikispeed project taking sets of agile practices and principles back into the car-making industry. I felt he really knew his stuff, and it’s amazing how you can tell someone who really understands the values and trying to live them in different ways and then translating them into a different world. Very cool stuff that you should check out.

In terms of other workshop sessions, I left half way through many of them as the ideas were either too slow, or not at all interesting (such as one on Agile Enterprise Architecture that spent 30 minutes trying to go back to the age-old debate of defining Enterprise Architecture.)

Two of my most favourite sessions was one by Linda Rising who gave a very heart-felt and personal Q&A session that left many people in tears. Her stories are always very personal, and I really admire her ability to look beyond someone’s words and really uncover the true question they are asking with a usually insightful answer as well! The other session was listening to the great work that Luke Hohmann of Innovation Games has been doing with the San Jose government to change the way they make decisions about where the money goes through the use of games and play. Very awesome stuff.

I had my session in the last possible slot on the Thursday and had a large number of well known people in competing slots such as Jeff Sutherland, Esther Derby and Diana Larsen. I’m very happy with the turn out as we had a lot of fun playing games from the Systems Thinking Playbook including a number of insightful conversations about systems thinking concepts and how they apply to our working life. One of my most favourite exercises (Harvest) that demonstrates the Tragedy of the Commons archectype played its course and we finished in just three years (iterations) only due to a constraint I added early into the game. I love this exercise for its potential for variation and the insightful conversations about how this applies to agile teams, organisations and functions.

You often can’t come away from conferences without new references, so here’s the list of books and web resources I noted down (but obviously my summary is without actually reading into it, so YMMV):

Book Review: Liftoff

At this year’s OOP Conference, Diana Larsen gave me a copy of her latest book, “Liftoff: Launching Agile Teams & Projects” and I promised to write her a review. I found myself with some time on a flight to Chicago and finally got around to reading it. I’m pleased that I did. It’s not a very thick book, but it’s definitely packed with great advice for teams from both Diana and her co-author Ainsley Nies.

Roughly broken into two sections, the book covers why teams should do a Liftoff and great recommendations on how to go about doing it. I agree completely with their premise at the start of the book – a lot about the productivity of teams and organisations often get set in the beginning. Whilst there is great value running a Liftoff even in the midst of a project, if one hasn’t yet run, it offers an opportunity for working relationships to start right at the beginning.

Liftoff Book

It many ways, the Liftoff overlaps with several of the activities we often run during a ThoughtWorks Inception (covered a lot in the Jonathan Rasmussen’s Agile Samurai book). During these periods, we try to help businesses shape the project, and even help them question whether or not the project should even run (fail fast!)

The book offers even more value by focusing on, given a project vision, helping align everyone in a way that helps them work towards that vision. The authors often refer to the trio of elements to cover including Purpose-Alignment-Context to which they describe some very practical advice on planning and running a project liftoff.

I like the way that they’ve also used a number of examples, including one for their own book, that shares examples of the positive impact that liftoffs done well can have for organisations. The book is dense with lots of advice such as detailing who should be involved, what sort of activities you might run, and a set of principles to plan and run your liftoff with.

The second half of the book focuses on agile chartering, making it relevant for teams working today in an agile environment, and who will most likely pick up a copy of this book. I see it as a useful example of applying the first section (liftoffs in general), to a particular working environment and making it more concrete as a guided walkthrough backed by even more real life stories throughout.

I see a lot of value in this for many teams. So many initiatives often get started that people forget about spending time on establishing a real sense of culture and purpose. The result is clear – a group of people that constantly “step around” issues, or a group of people all pulling in different directions clearly visible in the final solution.

What I also like about this practice, is that it doesn’t even have to be about software initiatives and is relevant for any group of people working towards a common purpose.

I think a lot of people will like the fact that it is such a short book. If you’ve read Diana’s other book, Agile Retrospectives, you’ll be familiar with a set of activities that are useful in a different context. This book doesn’t detail the activities that you might choose to run – I see this as too much for a book like this, but covers the important aspects around the thinking behind the activities you might run for your project liftoff.

Linda Rising’s “Who Do You Trust” Talk

On the Monday just gone, I attended Linda Rising’s talk held at the very nice Immobilien Scout 24’s office in Berlin. This isn’t the first time Linda has presented this topic, however it’s a powerful message worth spreading further. More than that, it’s just great just listening to how Linda presents and interacts with her audience.

This talk focused on the in-built prejudices we all have. Having most recently been reading about our in built cognitive biases for one of my earlier talks this year, I was very interested in hearing some of the stories Linda had to tell. Her opening slide with the opening doors to the Museum of Tolerance showing the options you have for entering (see the inline photo).

She also used a lot of great stories based on real life research, talking about the way that we naturally fall into groups and the language that we used being one indication of the strength, such as “them” and “us”. She presented about the Robber’s Cave Experiment by Muzafer Sherif. She presented the Solomon Asch experiments that described how we conform to peer pressure although all you need is one opposite vocal opinion to break the effect (this one helped me understand why blind planning poker can be powerfully effective).

Her description about the way that we stereotyping also having further effects, with the example of studies that demonstrate that simply reminding people of their gender at the beginning of a maths test significantly alters the outcome. Fortunately these things can be put to good use, such as the way that Norm Kerth’s Retrospective Prime Directive helps to reframe meetings.

It was a really great session and for those interested, you can watch this (though I recommend seeing her in real life) here.

Long Feedback Loops

Almost five and a half years ago, one my first project in the UK, I built a constrained email tempting engine to be used by marketing folk with a small team of three other developers. I think we worked for about six to eight weeks to develop the entire application, including retrofitting its integrate its output with another system.

A year or two ago, we had some consultants return to the client who talked to one of the original developers who still worked for the same client. They spoke fondly of the good times he had on our team, and spoke proudly about the application we wrote. In the four years or so of constant use (they would revisit their emails at least once a month), the users apparently only ever reported one bug. He mentioned that bug (a special character in the email subject line) was also deprioritised from the original work we did. It was an enough fix and with test around it, was not a problem updating the system.

I certainly appreciated the feedback, particularly since you don’t always get to return to see the long term results of the work you do as a consultant, or even just as a developer.

Some of the great things I learned from that project.

Acceptance Test Driven Development is entirely possible
We worked hard to test drive this Swing based application from the start. It really changed the way that we designed the application and all of us learned a whole heap about understanding testable presentation patterns. It formed the basis of several talks and the knowledge, particularly the separation of concerns is entirely applicable to all sorts of other tools and interfaces such as javascript, or command line interfaces.

On a different note, coverage combining end to end acceptance test and unit tests meant we had 100% code coverage. It was never the goal, but interesting to see on this application it was entirely possible.

Never discourage people from trying new things
The organisation was rife with contractors. Not all of them entirely passionate. I love building great teams and the fact that everyone was learning, and saw things being delivered reignited people’s passions to do various things. I distinctly remember two events made possible by encouraging people to explore their passions and strengths.

One of the developers, interested in the User Experience side asked if he could do some user testing with the application. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but certainly encouraged him to do that. He did, what some people call Guerilla Usability Testing – grabbing someone who didn’t know anything about our application, and giving them a task list to complete as he watched them over the shoulder. Based on this study, we found out, to no surprise, the way we laid out the application didn’t make some of the tasks as easy as they could have been. We channeled this feedback into our interface and helped make life easier for its users.

The other event, a contractor, seemed to find his passion for developing usable software reignited. Everyone will know that swing applications aren’t the nicest things to look at. I remember coming in one morning to find that whole interface reskinned and redeveloped. It looked a whole load better than what you’d get with swing out of the box.

I found out much later that he had, by his own volition, worked a couple of extra hours one night because he wanted to add that extra polish and make the interface attractive to users. Awesome stuff that would never have happened without encouragement to do “the right thing”.

Involving real users
As a systems thinker, I know that the purpose of the project should have been an intermediate step. The real problem the organisation was a missing feedback loop from IT back into marketing. I knew that then, and I know that know, however being pragmatic and realistic, you can only do good things within your own sphere of influence. Trying to change how the entire marketing and IT department silos worked (or failed to work together) would take much more than the two or three months I was going to be there.

Fortunately, we had one person on our project who had worked for their company for a while and had a couple of good contacts in marketing. Whilst we couldn’t change the way projects spun up, we managed to get someone who was going to use our software down, early, and show them what we were building for them. More than that, they asked for somethings (that we could almost immediately turn around for them) and they were blown away that their feedback actually mattered and made a difference.

I appreciate good projects, and where possible, create those environments for others to thrive in. There are many good things to carry forward in these things and can only hope others benefit from it as well.

Long Feedback Cycle on a 4 Year Old Project

Almost five and a half years ago, one my first project in the UK, I built a constrained email tempting engine to be used by marketing folk with a small team of three other developers. I think we worked for about six to eight weeks to develop the entire application, including retrofitting its integrate its output with another system.

A year or two ago, we had some consultants return to the client who talked to one of the original developers who still worked for the same client. They spoke fondly of the good times he had on our team, and spoke proudly about the application we wrote. In the four years or so of constant use (they would revisit their emails at least once a month), the users apparently only ever reported one bug. He mentioned that bug (a special character in the email subject line) was also deprioritised from the original work we did. It was an enough fix and with test around it, was not a problem updating the system.

I certainly appreciated the feedback, particularly since you don’t always get to return to see the long term results of the work you do as a consultant, or even just as a developer.

Some of the great things I learned from that project.

Acceptance Test Driven Development is entirely possible
We worked hard to test drive this Swing based application from the start. It really changed the way that we designed the application and all of us learned a whole heap about understanding testable presentation patterns. It formed the basis of several talks and the knowledge, particularly the separation of concerns is entirely applicable to all sorts of other tools and interfaces such as javascript, or command line interfaces.

On a different note, coverage combining end to end acceptance test and unit tests meant we had 100% code coverage. It was never the goal, but interesting to see on this application it was entirely possible.

Never discourage people from trying new things
The organisation was rife with contractors. Not all of them entirely passionate. I love building great teams and the fact that everyone was learning, and saw things being delivered reignited people’s passions to do various things. I distinctly remember two events made possible by encouraging people to explore their passions and strengths.

One of the developers, interested in the User Experience side asked if he could do some user testing with the application. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but certainly encouraged him to do that. He did, what some people call Guerilla Usability Testing – grabbing someone who didn’t know anything about our application, and giving them a task list to complete as he watched them over the shoulder. Based on this study, we found out, to no surprise, the way we laid out the application didn’t make some of the tasks as easy as they could have been. We channeled this feedback into our interface and helped make life easier for its users.

The other event, a contractor, seemed to find his passion for developing usable software reignited. Everyone will know that swing applications aren’t the nicest things to look at. I remember coming in one morning to find that whole interface reskinned and redeveloped. It looked a whole load better than what you’d get with swing out of the box.

I found out much later that he had, by his own volition, worked a couple of extra hours one night to reskin our interface using JGoodies because he wanted make the interface attractive to users. Awesome stuff that would never have happened without encouragement to do “the right thing”.

Involving real users
As a systems thinker, I know that the purpose of the project should have been an intermediate step towards a bigger change. The real problem was that the organisation was a missing feedback loop from IT back into marketing. I knew that then, and I know that know, however being pragmatic and realistic, you can only do good things within your own sphere of influence. Trying to change how the entire marketing and IT department silos worked (or failed to work together) would take much more than the two or three months I was going to be there.

Fortunately, we had one person on our project who had worked for their company for a while and had a couple of good contacts in marketing. Whilst we couldn’t change the way projects spun up, we managed to get someone who was going to use our software down, early, and show them what we were building for them. More than that, they asked for somethings (that we could almost immediately turn around for them) and they were blown away that their feedback actually mattered and made a difference.

I appreciate good projects, and where possible, create those environments for others to thrive in. There are many good things to carry forward in these things and can only hope others benefit from it as well.

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