Week 4 Stats (ending 3 October 2004)
Monday 9,800
Tuesday 8,653
Wednesday 5,930
Thursday 10,975
Friday 10,596
Saturday 0
Sunday 0
“What?!” I hear you say, “was she a slug over the weekend?”
This week was obviously a pretty average week walking-wise for me. Wednesday was the low point of the week and I don’t mean just in the walking sense. I lost all my sense of direction at work that day as I didn’t stop for lunch and I stayed back fairly late (for my standards). Why does this matter? Well, I rely on taking longish walks at lunch and taking a longish walk back home after work – and obviously I didn’t get around to doing this at all. I picked it up the next day as Thursday was my writing/photography class and I had to make a trip to Australia House to make my ever so important vote for the national elections. Friday was a fairly good day as it saw me end the night in Brixton to celebrate Carolyn’s birthday. No dancing mind you.
As for the weekend – I simply forgot to take my pedometer with me. My friends Elvira and Andrew, who took me in when I first arrived in UK, invited me to stay the weekend at their place and I plum forgot to bring it with me hence 0 steps recorded. I think it was just a sign of the bad week I was having. Lets just assume I reached the 10K mark on both those days.*grin*