Sports Day

The peeps sure know how to throw a Sports Day event. I was impressed at the turn out, impressed with the equipment (thanks mainly to Andre!) and even more impressed that the turn out was fairly evenly split between the women and men … and no, the women were not on the sideline all night as this photo might suggest. Heh heh.

First event was the Egg and Spoon race. Impressively eggs were only dropped once or twice over the 20 metre run. However, I was laughing so hard I missed the finish!

Next up was the three-legged race. Tip: pair up with someone with the same length of leg! My partner was tiny and it felt like I was practically dragging her along. Still, somehow we didn’t come last 😉

Then it was the welly throw. If you have never thrown a welly you’ll never realise just how tough it is. Underarm throws win the day!

The wiffle ball was up next since everyone had warmed up with their welly. MUCH easier to throw!


Then quite possibly the best event of the night, the obstacle course. Mega cool – it started with a maze you had to complete with your feet, then a crawl through a tunnel, a jump over a little hurdle and then a final sprint with a balloon between your legs. Hilarious.

I thought we should have finished with that but we still had a couple of more events. The long jump:

The sprint:

And a penalty shoot out.

Great defending by Andrew on this one.


Geez, I thought I’d seen everything at Mahdi … that is until lunch today with Reza. That man sure knows how to order a feast. We had so much food it was ridiculous … and you know that’s a ton of food coming from someone like me! Seeing all the food come trundling out I thought for sure we’d be having take out for days … but the boys did the business and ate everything up!