Mamma Mia is one of the remaining big musicals that I’ve yet to get around to seeing so tonight Jenny and I, taking advantage of a Get Into London Theatre offer, went to see it. I’m not the biggest Abba fan though there is no getting away from hearing all their top hits so I’m pretty familiar with most of their songs. Hilariously Jenny is not a fan of Abba as well! Still, I’ve heard that the musical is something pretty special and, to my pleasure, it wasn’t a let down.
I think what I liked most about tonight’s performance was that it was light and fun. Although there was a bit mild heartache involved with the storyline it was still told in quite a good humoured manner and was a big contrast to the last musical I saw in Oliver! We were seated in row O in the stalls which actually turned out to be pretty decent seats even though the grand circle above us was quite noticeable it didn’t really block too much of the stage. None of my view was locked even though I had quite a tall person in front of me.
Performances by the cast were strong and very energetic and they all clearly got along with each other. Jane Gurnett was a total blast. The soundtrack was very cool and somehow the songs were very appropriate for every moment they broke out. Need I mention the costumes, especially towards the end, which were fun. There were loads of kids at tonight’s performance and if their singing was any indication all were very familiar with the Abba pieces. I was amazed. The musical does have some adult themes (of the drug and sexual variety) so I’m just hoping those references went over the kids heads.
A great night’s entertainment and because most people will be familiar with the song a great atmosphere with the crowd involvement.