Electric Hotel

Outside theatre is always fun and the weather in London has been surprisingly conducive to it this season. Roops organised for a few of us to head out King’s Cross Street way to check out Electric Hotel – Electric for the neon-lit structure upon which we gaze to discover the goings on in the private lives of those residing inside. Against a backdrop of the gas holder and a setting sun the drama of the show was perfectly captured … though I’m not going to pretend to understand I understood what was actually going on!

We were handed giant headsets upon entering the show which made our voyeurism that much more intimate. Being a dance performance there wasn’t a lot of dialogue to listen to but the headsets were important for the music and the atmosphere.

It was certainly an innovative idea and individually and as a group the performers were excellent. Dancing in separate rooms I’m not sure how they managed to keep their timing but I didn’t see any mis-step at all – and in a show like tonight’s timing was absolutely crucial.

My only problem with the show was that I couldn’t understand what was going on – I still have no idea what the courier had to do with it, nor the random thieves, nor the pool at the top. I think it was supposed to be some sort of thriller (because I certainly felt there was always some sort of overhanging evil) with intertwined relationships but it was a bit hard to interpret who meant what to whom etc. The story is run once, then repeated again and again – each time from a different perspective with something slightly different happening every time.

For me this was one of those performances where it was better not to try and understand the story but to just go with the flow and enjoy the skills of the dancers and the choreographer.