Mr & Mrs Smith

Two gorgeous leads. One interesting enough story. Sufficient action and toys to keep you entertained. This movie was neither extremely bad nor super special.

I’m sure everyone is well familiar with the story line: Brad is John Smith and Angelina is his wife Jane Smith in a marriage on the rocks. Both are hired assassins but don’t know that about each other. When they do find out, they have no choice but to try and kill the other. In the end the love between them allows them to overcome this little hurdle and find that their marriage is stronger than ever.

This movie emphasised three things for me: 1. Brad has a very very fit body 2. Angelina is extremely sexy and 3. Together I didn’t think they had quite the sizzle I would have expected – something about the two of them being too beautiful. Wierd huh? Or maybe its just me.

Worst scene – Angelina getting the sh*t kicked out of her by Brad (I guess its just something about a guy hitting a girl). Favourite scene – Final (but totally unbelievable) shoot-out scene in an Ikea type store (name eludes me).

Overall, a passable romantic comedy action movie with enough in it to entertain all.

2 thoughts on “Mr & Mrs Smith

  1. Yea – we couldn’t be more different. I saw Batman Begins on Thursdsay night too – review to come soon.

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