Batman Begins

Batman Begins takes us back to where it all began. We don’t even see Batman until nearly halfway through the movie so there is definitely more of a focus on the man that is Bruce Wayne than there is on the superhero that is Batman. Christian Bale is a dark and icy Batman. He dons his alter-ego to prevent mobster Tom Wilkinson and the evil Scarecrow (played by a very cool Cillian Murphy) from driving the city population crazy with a drug in the water. I guess I should mention some of the other supporting cast members in there: Katie Holmes is the goody-two-shoes Assistant DA/love interest, Gary Oldman is the honest cop, Michael Caine is the able butler Alfred, Morgan Freeman is the techie guy and Liam Neeson had a role in there as mentor turned villain.

The action is okay with plenty of explosions and quick-moving scenes. My major bone of contention was the car chase scene when Batman is in his bat mobile running away from the police. It’s a nice touch to take some of the chase to the air but when it comes back to the ground you wonder why it is that the super-fast bat mobile just can’t seem to get away from the police car hugging its rear end – no matter how much “turbo” is employed.

Overall the movie was enjoyable, if not too memorable although I think I’ll remember Cillian Murphy’s Scarecrow for a little while yet. He was, like, way cool. 😛