
The thing with movies like Inception is that it potentially gives bad people good ideas – I mean really, the power to get into people’s heads … almost as scary as robots who are starting to look so human that you can’t tell one from the other. I was just reading a story where the robots take over the world and whilst its only fiction for the moment you can’t help but imagine its not something that is to far from our futures – frightening!

Leo is a mind-thief basically going into people’s dreams to steal their secrets. The back-story is that he is a fugitive in his own reality back in the States where he has been charged with the murder of his wife. A business man proposes to solve his problems for him if Leo can do the reverse of what he normally does – rather than stealing a thought, placing a thought into someone’s head. What follows is some crazy stuff but its so interesting and not so unrealistic that you really get invested as a viewer.

Interestingly Inception is a good combination of stunning visuals and imaginative story-line without allowing the visuals to take over the whole movie. The story-line is original and mind-boggling – you’ll want to make sure that you don’t fall asleep, for more reasons than one, during any of the movie.

The acting is excellent in this movie … as depressing and heart-wrenching as some of the story-line is.

Oh, just note that however frustrating the ending of the movie might have been it really seemed like the best ending you could have had.

Go see Inception for something thought-provoking,