Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Jason Donovan returns (I think to ride it out until the final show on September 5) to the leading role of Caractacus Potts the inventor, the father and the hero. His return and the impending finish prompted me to visit the TKTS booth for tickets to today’s matinee performance. (Tickets are not cheap so my advice is to look for deals where you can.)

I ended up front row centre and again it was fun to be up close and part of the action – except for the fact that people’s feet and the back of the stage were lost to me and the effect of Chitty flying out over the audience, not once but twice, was kinda lost. Still – it was worth it for the eye contact made with Jason and the wink and smile I got. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Musically the songs are catchy (if just a tad overlong) and the choreography fun to watch. I had to giggle when little dogs suddenly ran onto stage during one song and obviously kids agreed with me if their squeals of delight are anything to go by. The musical almost had a pantomime feel as we oohed at exciting scenes and boohed and hissed at the Child Catcher.

I have to save the last word for the set design. In a word – remarkable. It was a sight to behold.