The Jacket

Adrien Brody is most definitely the star of the show. Who ever though he had a bod like that – mmm those abs (though he could probably do with an extra meal or two here and there!) But back to the movie.

I found it hard to classify this movie – is it sci-fi/romance/drama/thriller/horror?

Adrien Brody’s Jack Starks is a soldier from the Gulf War who gets shot in the head and dies but comes back to life without any memories. Forward to the next scene where he is walking down a road and stops to help an inebriated mother and her daughter with their car. After she drunkenly and angrily sends him away he hitches a lift with a guy and the next thing he knows he is convicted for a murder he didn’t commit and by way of insanity finds himself in a mental hospital. There he plays guinea pig to Kris Kristofferson’s experiments and pumped full of drugs finds himself in a straight jacket and locked up into a morgue locker.

Cue time travel because that is what happens when you are drugged, put into a straight jacket and placed into a morgue locker. Of course, all of a sudden you are able to go into the future. From there it just gets confusing – somehow he meets up and hooks up with Kiera Knightly (who is somehow the little girl he helped along the road) and by circular reasoning is able to help those in current time by what he finds out in the future but only because he has lived the current time. Strange I know.

As I mentioned above Adrien Brody gives his usual good performance, Kiera Knightly was ho hum as a waitress with attitude – there was something weird going on with her jaw that’s for sure and the rest of the cast were okay.

Although I left the movie wondering what on earth was it about (was it a mental thriller or was there really time travelling involved?) it was enjoyable enough if you suspend reality for a while and don’t try to read into it too much.