The Edukators

And to a movie with a little more depth. The Edukators features three idealist youths who, sick of capitalism and the materialistic attitude of the Berlin high society, commit “crimes” against the rich. That is, they sneak into their homes, re-arrange furniture, and leave notes behind such as “Your Days of Plenty Are Over” or “You Have Too Much Money”. All good things must come to an end and on one night they are finally caught out by the owner. Hmm … what do you do when someone witnesses your crime? Well, this is the dilemma faced by the three and in the end they kidnap him and take him to an isolated mountain. During this period we are given coherent arguments from both sides of the fence – the socialist versus the capitalist. Eventually, the three form a tentative bond with the businessman bringing us to an amicable conclusion but with a slight twist.

The movie tries very hard but in the end I found it dragged and almost became a little tedious. The core theme got a bit confused as in the middle of the angst a love triangle emerges (though in the end this too is resolved nicely and you can leave the cinema feeling all tingly and warm.)

Overall, it was a fairly watchable (though longer than necessary) movie with important lessons to be learned.