The Interpreter

You would think that watching a 3rd movie in a stretch of 6 days would have been a bit much even for an avid movie-goer as myself – but it wasn’t. The Interpreter wasn’t exactly at the top of my wish list but the opportunity to see fabulous NYC on the big screen meant that if I didn’t enjoy the movie at the very least I could sit back and reminisce about places I’d visited in the past – in particular my time at the UN.

The Interpreter bills itself as a thriller and to some extent it is. Nicole Kidman is, well, the Interpreter, who accidentally (or so we are lead to believe) overhears plans to assassinate the president of an African country, in a language that only she can understand. Sean Penn is the Secret Service agent assigned to protect the president but somehow gets utterly involved with Nicole. From there the story gets very complex and a little unbelievable as her own history surfaces.

The movie is quite topical with terrorisim, international politics, the plight of African nations and potential for corruption just a few of the issues touched upon. The terrorisim in particular striking a chord – demonstrated by the cinema’s disclaimer that patrons should “… be advised that THE INTERPRETER contains scenes of terrorist violence including a bomb explosion on a bus”.

Overall, The Intepreter was a satisfactory movie. I never got bored but I did get a bit confused by the plot a little bit – mainly because of the implausability of some of the concepts. And the bonus being getting to see inside the UN again! Yes – it doesn’t take much to make me happy.