A day in the park, and out, and in, and out ….

This is just an entry to gripe about the weather as the weather really tested our patience today. It started off pretty typically for London with not a patch of blue in the sky to see for miles. Then the clouds cleared and the sun teased us with its presence. So, we decided to go in and spend some time laying in the park. Not 5 minutes after stepping in to the park the clouds suddenly reappeared again casting us into deep cool shadows. The clouds again stretched for miles so we left to go and pursue other business. Then the sund came out and teased us again. It was too nice a day not to try and get into the park so we did and what happened, 15 minutes later we were out of there again. And this went on. Finally, at about 6pm (!) the sun broke through for a decent stay but I wouldn’t say it stayed around for much longer than 45 minutes.

Pics to come (in a couple of weeks hopefully.)