27 Dresses

Sandra’s latest in movie premieres was the romcom 27 Dresses. Every now and then we ladies need to indulge in a bit of a chick-flick and I’m not ashamed to admit that I really enjoyed this one.

We open the movie to find Katherine Heigl (known best for Knocked Up and Grey’s Anatomy) hopping back and forth across Manhattan as maid of honour to two good friends in two separate weddings. This paints the picture for her life – the perenniel bridesmaid. This is witnessed by wedding columnist Malcolm (James Marsden) who, though writing the most romantic of columns, is actually a cynic at heart. He somehow ends up with her diary and is shocked to find just how many weddings she has been in (and is going to be in) so he decides to write a story on her, masked behind writing a story on her younger sister who in the meantime has taken up a whirlwind romance with Heigl’s long term crush.

The storyline is fairly predictable and cliche – boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl but girl already has a crush on another boy, girl’s sister snatches boy from girl, girl’s heart breaks, girl takes revenge on sister, girl has remorse and realises she loves the first boy, girl patches things up with sister, and finally happy endings for all. But aside from that this is a genuinely enjoyable movie. There’s laughter, there’s heartbreak, there’s crying (from me mainly – ha ha) and best of all there are some really killer lines in the movie. Oh and the 27 dresses in the closet are also pretty cool and I liked the credits – very smart.