Ever since SATC aired its final episode on tele over four years ago there had been talk of a movie but it wasn’t until September last year that filming started on the movie. 8 months later, its May 28 and I’m at one of the first official public screenings of the movie in a cinema absolutely filled to the rafters with chattering and extremely excitable women (and surprisingly even a few non-gay men!) Pauline was so excited to see the movie that she could hardly contain herself but first, before the movie started, Odeon decided to hold a mini-quiz to, I guess, get everyone energised for the movie. It wasn’t exactly a professional effort but I guess it did the job of whipping everyone into a frenzy as women fought to win a prize. Interestingly we didn’t get any trailers. I guess Odeon figured the movie spoke for itself.

Just like the four ladies in the movie seeing the opening scene of SATC was like reuniting with a long lost friend – you just couldn’t help but smile and be happy. The girls and the story haven’t changed much at all, except now, four years on and reflecting the passage of real time, there is a better acknowledgement of how old the ladies ar as they continue their search for love in the City. Oh throw in Jennifer Hudson the token coloured/young woman to widen the appeal of the movie.

How do you review a movie without giving away the story? Well, to be fair the story won’t be a surprise to fans of the show – it revolves around Carrie and Mr Big and you have the usual little dramas on the side with the other girls. That’s it really. What more could be asked for.

The fashion and styling is as stunning as ever. I can’t even begin to imagine just how many outfits they feature in the film – 100s I imagine. The movie was also a visual feast for the eyes – so many colours (costume-wise and scene-wise). Kinda makes me miss New York!

I laughed, I cried, I smiled, and I ooh’d and ah’d with the rest of the women in the cinema. It was a nice evening of entertainment. Fans of the show will adore it.