Caesar Twins and Friends

Identical twins Pablo and Pierre Caesar are charming enough guys with great hearts and fantastic gymnastic skills however overall the show was more than a little on the amateurish side. Caesar Twins and Friends had a number of stages which I guess were used to demonstrate the bond that exists between the twins. I’m not sure if each stage was supposed to represent another level in the relationship but I guess the stages served their purpose by breaking up the show into manageable pieces. There was some innovation (such as a very clever upside down bicycle act) but overall there was a lot I’ve seen before, and delivered much better, though there is no doubting the twins’ skills and strength.

The grand finale involved this giant type fish bowl act with the two doing tumbles and acrobatics into and around it. Fairly impressive skills I’m sure but I couldn’t help but giggle at the “shower” that I’m sure some of the people in the front rows were getting.

Oh and the “and Friends” part of the title relates to a singing gymnast/dancer and saxophonist. Although both were clearly in there to provide some of the soundtrack and also to give the twins a breather between acts, sometimes their segments threatened to take over the show.

Overall, I think the boys have a good basic product but could do with learning how to apply the professional touch to it. Admittedly the show had a lot in it – acrobatics, comedy, video games, technology, and admittedly great soundtrack – but it felt like there was an overuse of the projection screen and some acts didn’t seem to really fit in or went overly long. A bit more spit and polish required.