Madame Tussaud’s

Strangely enough I haven’t really acted like a true tourist around London (except of course the fact that I will take a photo of just about anything!) since moving here nearly two years ago. I guess I hit a lot of tourist spots back when I was here in 2003 but haven’t visited much else since then.

So early this morning (and it was a huge struggle to get up) S and I hit Madame Tussauds. They say you should get there early (half an hour was early enough today) and this is definitely good advice. In addition to the fact that you don’t have to wait in line for hours on end, there will be less people milling around inside and getting into your snaps. It doesn’t last very long though so take advantage of the relative smaller crowds in the first half-hour or 45 minutes that it is open. S and I had a good time taking all our happy snaps. We also went into the Chamber of Horrors which was … absolutely frightening. Okay – we knew there were going to be actors/actresses jumping out at us and chasing us through but we were still screaming in fright. Our hearts were still beating strong long after the event!

If you’re not interested in getting your photos taken with every single wax character you could easily see the whole collection in about 20-30 minutes but we managed to stretch it out for about an hour and a half. It is a good attraction with a better collection than I remember from a few years ago but it is fairly hefty so those not earning pounds might not find it great value for money.

See more photos here.