A Bittersweet Life

Being in crime is really all about trust. In 7 years Sun Woo has earned his boss’ (Mr Kang) absolute confidence. He is cool, quiet and professional and seems an ideal person to take on the Mr Kang’s secret – young mistress Hee-Soo. Mr Kang begins to suspect Hee-Soo is seeing another so he orders Sun Woo to “take care of it”. Sun Woo takes to the task like a duck to water but at the final moment he can’t bring himself to kill either Hee-Soo or her boyfriend. And so begins a really bad day for Sun Woo. Just like that Mr Kang loses his faith in Sun Woo and tries to deliver a lesson that Sun Woo just doesn’t want to learn. Brutality, death and bloodshed soon ensues.

There can be no doubt that this ganster flick is absolutely violent but the interludes between the extremely graphic violence give an almost spiritual feel to the story as we flow from one death scene to another. Very stylishly shot you can almost overlook the fact that people are dying. Or not.