Russian Reunion

Alsu, our tour leader from our Russian Christmas trip, was in town for a short visit and after some hiccups with last week’s plans we finally got our act together today and met up for a few cocktails and a late afternoon lunch at Loco Locale. It was nice to catch up with her (and the others too of course) even if some of the crew couldn’t make it. Most suprising thing to hear was that one of the guys was going to apply for a Russian visa so he could hop over to Moscow at every chance – ah, what we do for love!

So, Loco Locale wasn’t bad in terms of their cocktails (the espresso martini was delish and at half-price who is going to say no to a cocktail or four) and the actual food was pretty good (portions seemed gigantic and reasonably priced) and it is a pretty cool room. The only negative was the service which was relatively slow and quite awful in delivery (drinks were brought to the wrong people and carelessly spilled at times) and waitresses (or maybe it was just one in particular) had the worst timing often interrupting conversations to ask inane questions. Still, overall, it wasn’t bad at managing our relatively large group and even though we were there for nearly 4 hours didn’t put any pressure on us to leave … perhaps it was the number of cocktails we were ordering …