
How do you integrate Tae Kwon Do with a sitcom. Well, the first ingredient is a typical Korean household – where the melodramas are enough to create the kind of slapstick situations where the martial arts actually almost make sense. You wouldn’t think that mixing the Tae Kwon Do into a narrative would actually work but tonight somehow it did.

The household has Grandpa, Father, Mother, Daughter, Suitor and the very hilarious (and cute) drunken Uncle. There is also an old man who plays kind of a narrator and then two burglars – one with a very very fit body and the other one, well, with not so much a fit body but a great almost afro like hairdo. The basic premise is Grandpa trying to hook Daughter and Suitor up and along the way the whole family train in Tae Kwon Do and become “victim” to the two burglars.

The comedy was fairly “Benny Hill” as my colleague described it – whilst there were some absolutely side-splitting moments, the comedy was just at that level of cheesy but not too cheesy. The action though was another thing altogether. The talent that this crew has is just simply amazing and there was great innovation in using every part of the stage (walls included) and all sorts of tools. Lighting and the soundtrack were also put to good use.

Overall, a pretty fun show with the highlight of their skills coming in the last 10-20 minutes. Oh – be warned that if you are in the first few rows you may be chosen to go up on stage to fight some of the performers. Yikes!