Alton Towers

Its all in the starsSo, it appears I am working my way around all the Tussauds Group of “experiences”. A couple of weeks ago it was Thorpe Park, and this time around its Alton Towers. Unlike Thorpe Park, Alton Towers is nowhere near as easy to get to. Its located in Staffordshire which is good for the theme park as there is plenty of space to expand. With a car it is maybe 3 hours drive away. Luckily for us non-car owners Virgin Trains have this package which combines transport (train then bus) and park entry. Its a pretty good deal provided you use it in non-peak times, preferably during the weekdays. This is because you basically only get just over 6 hours in the park (a strict scheduled 10.40 arrival and 17.15 departure ) so you don’t want to waste any time dealing with weekend/peak queues.

The FlumeAs with Thorpe Park, Alton Tower rides are rated but this time into Adrenalin Buster, All-round Fun, Absolutely Splashing and Family Friendly. I’m not going to rank the rides that we managed to get on this time around as the rides at Alton seem less varied with a larger emphasis on rides that will get your heart pumping (meaning there were hardly any rides that would even rate a puke factor!) So, here are my thoughts on some of the rides:

  • Nemesis. Rollercoaster where your legs hang. Not too bad as a first ride but fairly similar to the Nemesis at Thorpe Park.
  • Air. An excellent rollercoaster where you hang face down as you twist and turn around the track. Get to the front of this one and you’ll really feel as if you were flying.
  • Ripsaw. There are some stomach dropping moments as you spin around but half the fun is in anticipating the watering you’ll get at the end of the ride.
  • Oblivion - Don

  • Blade. Just another ship ride.
  • Flume. The traditional log flume in a bath. Okay fun and they will try to squeeze five of you into a bath so that makes things very cosy. Probably more fun too as the added weight is sure to guarantee a wet finish.
  • Oblivion - The Ride Down

  • Spinball Whizzer. I would rate this one of the best rides at the park. Although a smaller rollercoaster, the way you are spun around the track as if a pinball really makes it hard to anticipate the twists, turns, and loops. Great fun!
  • Oblivion. The ride that had Chicken and Pepe nearly wetting themselves the sky opened up at just the right time to deliver a stormy reception as we boarded. Although over in what felt like seconds, for some the 200-foot 4.5G plummet probably lasted a lifetime. Great ride.
  • No one told me I'd see animals ...

  • Submission. You will spend a lot of time upside down so make sure you are ready for the blood rush to the head and make sure you keep your coins secure because they will fall out!
  • Hex. A wierd one this. The build-up is overly long (as they describe the history of the haunted tree) but when you get into the actual “ride” you will experience some very strange things. I’ll keep the description of this one a mystery.
  • Corkscrew. Probably the oldest roller-coasters at the park – its still okay fun but nothing too exciting. Colossus at Thorpe Park is superior.
  • On the train back home

  • Rita. Supposedly the queen of speed she just wouldn’t behave. After lining up for over an hour and a half we were disappointed not to get on to this one after constant engineering problems stopped her from running. It must be the curse of Stealth! At least there was some entertainment in the form of some “celebs” from Coronation Street – Sarah and Jason. Not that I would know them from anyone else in the park that day.
  • The Alton Tower rides, though larger in number, didn’t appear as fast or exciting as the rides at Thorpe Park. The park itself also didn’t feel as well planned as Thorpe Park as getting around this admittedly bigger park often involved going around attractions rather than through. Still, it is set in some gorgeous surrounds and even has a beautiful garden to relax in and its otherwise a good theme park to spend your day.

    Nemesis Ripsaw Fly through the “Air” Spinball Whizzer
    Enterprise Corkscrew Chicken on Corkscrew The two of us
    The Gardens “Celebs” Pepe freakin’ Pepe still freakin’

    5 thoughts on “Alton Towers

    1. Pepe never gets scared. It was all an act to build the atmosphere…

      Burn in Hell Rita.

    2. I don’t know about that. I’m fairly sure someone was quaking in their boots!

    3. Who was quaking in what? Dont even go there Mace- i saw you crying on the teacup ride.
      Boo hoo hoo, let me off, let me off! was all the riders heard…

    4. That’s interesting you saw me crying considering I didn’t go near the teacup ride (it’s that scary). Maybe you were looking in the mirror? and hearing your own voice?

    5. I had to pick you up off the floor because you legs went to jelly. Please dont deny it anymore

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