Gaucho, Tower Bridge

My most recent visit to Gaucho (which was also my first) was to the Gaucho at Piccadilly. Now, just over seven months later, I’m lucky enough to be able to check out the one at Tower Bridge courtesy of Sandra and Julian for my upcoming birthday. The location at Tower Bridge couldn’t be too much better – we were sat on the second floor which was cut up into a smaller dining room (which made it quite intimate) along-side private dining rooms for larger groups. In fact the venue was so perfect that we witnessed an engagement tonight!

The restaurant was quite busy but I wouldn’t say it was heaving. Not sure if that had to do with it being summer so people are less likely to sit down for a big steak meal at summer. If there was one thing that was outstanding about Gaucho it was that all the employees were super-attractive. Can’t remember if I noticed or mentioned that about the one at Piccadilly. In addition to being good-looking our waiter was most lovely – so not only did he provide good service he was also actually quite funny and dare I say a little flirtatious!

As usual before we ordered our meal we got a little show and tell session on the steaks. This was as we ate the delicious cheese breads that they serve as an opening dish. Very nice. Jules decided he wanted to order the “largest” steak and our waiter laughingly informed Jules that the steaks could be as big as he wanted! He told us this story about a guy who came in once and ordered just steak – a 2kg steak! Yowser. After that Jules was happy just to go with the 400g maximum which appeared on the menu. heh heh.

My started this time around were empanadas (I went for Chopped Beef with Olive and Egg and Corn and Tomato) which were rather tasty but at £9.00, and bigger in the picture than they actually were, were seriously over-priced. Similarly with Jules Chorizo Sausage and Roasted Pepper – he thoroughly enjoyed it but at £7.50 again over-priced.

With my steak, once again I went with Churrasco ‘Cuts’ Lomo 300g, I went for sides of Sweet Potato Chips with Chorizo (perfect!) and Spinach with Garlic and Lemon. The spinach was the only disappointing aspect of the evening – it tasted like someone had dropped a whole salt shaker into the dish. Sandra and Julian shared a side of Humitas which I could definitley recommend. These are like a sweet corn patties served in the corn husks. Delicious.

I had a great time at Gaucho tonight so thanks again to Sandra and Julian for the treat.