The Boy is All Grown Up – Part II

Part II of Akhlaq’s and Batool’s Wedding Party got going today at Watford. This time the reception was for Akhlaq’s side of the family. The venue, at the Ramada, was much more intimate than the first venue so this reception seemed a bit closer to what I know as a wedding including having a head table where Akhlaq and Batool actually got to sit down and enjoy the meal.

Having a smaller wedding reception, however, didn’t change how tardy people were in arriving. Akhlaq and Batool entered about an hour and half after we arrived although I think they had arrived a bit earlier and were just waiting for the majority of the guests to arrive. At least this time, too, Akhlaq and Batool, got to arrive together which was very sweet.

Having a smaller wedding reception also didn’t reduce the number of people taking photos of Ahklaq and Batool cutting the cake. I got some really nice photos of the two of them though this time feeding each other. Cute!

Oh! also Akhlaq had this giant chocolate fountain for all the guests to indulge in. I swear it was nearly taller than I was!

Today’s reception seemed a little less formal than the one on Thursday. Once Akhlaq and Batool arrived one of Akhlaq’s best mates gave a speech which was actually very serious for most of it until he cracked a joke about mothers-in-laws. After that we very quickly got served a meal which seemed to go down very quickly. Unlike Thursday night the platters weren’t as big and as we had nearly double the number of people at our table the food went very quickly. Our waiter, unfortunately, was not very efficient! Still I think everyone ate way more than they could handle and enjoyed what we received.

After food it was the cake cutting as mentioned previously, then tea and coffee and the chocolate fountain. After this was also photos with Akhlaq and Batool. Worked out nicely this time and we managed to get one big group shot of all of us from work. More photos here.

Tomorrow the Boy and his wife jet off to Dubai for their honeymoon. Well jealous!!

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