Da Vinci Code

The movie the critics love to hate.

Everyone knows the story and everyone has experienced the hype so there’s no reason for me to go into the details. Curator is murdered in the Louvre, Tom Hanks is recruited to help solve the murder but soon finds he’s the number one suspect. Tom picks up one sidekick for the journey, Sophie Neveau, to find that there is a conspiracy wrapped in a mystery wrapped in codes and trails and that Sophie is the key of sorts. Who can they trust, what can they believe?

I quite enjoyed the movie although at times the acting was fairly average. Tom and Sophie (and her mesmirising dark eyes) seemed to struggle at times to get through their lines and seemed perpetually worried/confused. I loved Paul Bettany as the freakish albino monk. Still, it was always going to be difficult to translate the details of the book on to the big screen. I think it was an advantage to have read the book and an even bigger advantage to have read the book pre-hype meaning I read it long enough ago to forget the intricate details but not so long ago that I wasn’t totally confused by the plot … unlike much of the audience who judging from the comments around us seemed very confused about the story having never read the book and not knowing the history of Catholicsm and Opus Dei.

You will need to see this film and judge for yourself if you agree with the critics.