July Patch Day

So every couple of months or so we will have a group away day for work. We never really go away anywhere very exciting – but it is a day away from work so its better than nothing. Normally its also a pretty stock standard day – some technical updates in the morning, and then quizzes or something after lunch before retiring to the pub mid-afternoon. Not too bad a day. For this patch day, Einstein had the brilliant idea that instead of retiring to the pub (as not all of us are keen drinkers … ahem) we should do something fun. Unfortunately since she had the idea that meant she had to organize and think of something to do herself! After much toing and froing and vetoing of various ideas, it was settled that we would all go spend a couple of hours lawn bowling.

Lawn bowls was a great hit. It probably also helped that Einstein had put so much effort into the afternoon to make sure it all went smoothly and also that the weather was just gorgeous, if a touch on the warm side. To make it a little interesting of course we were split into groups to compete against each other – no prizes for guessing who would be the most competitive – though I’m not going to name and shame anyone! My team came a gallant third though I think we were very unlucky with a few shots that swung results the wrong way.

1st place 2nd place (yes – Einstein is talking to someone off camera) 3rd place – my team showing everyone how it’s done The arty photo