Quiz Night – Work style

The final in our work’s series of “sporting events” was quiz night. I know – yet another questionable sport. Nevertheless it was probably, in the end, the best possible competition to have chosen. The weather has been so stinkin’ hot lately that even the thought of doing any sort of physical activity outside would have been considered madness. Einsten yet again outdid herself preparing the majority of the thousands of questions (okay – 180 or so) to test our minds – unfortunately this meant we were a man down, or woman down, for the quiz and unfortunately this meant that many of the questions were quite challenging and random even! Still, I guess there needed to be some way to separate the teams.

I still can’t say that I’ve done an official pub quiz as even though we were technically in a pub (The Old Monk – which was nice but very expensive for drinks) I don’t think normal pub quizzes are run who wants to be a millionaire style – that is, with electronic handsets and laptops and projectors. It was quite cool admittedly and made compiling the results so much easier.

It was a good night overall with our team actually coming in second and even then missing out on first by only a whisker – probably one question separated us from zero and hero. I’m not sure how that impacted our overall standings but I think our standing is still tainted anyway from the debacle of the treasure hunt – not that I’m bitter or anything …