The Devil Wears Prada

Undoubtedly a chick flick (there were probably 4 guys out of the 100 or so people watching the film) The Devil Wears Prada, based on the best selling novel Lauren Weisberger, delivers an outsider’s insider’s view into the snobby, b!tchy, materialistic and cutthroat world of the fashion rags. Anne Hathaway plays the outsider Andy, a new uni graduate journalist wannabe, who lands a job as second assistant to Meryl Streep’s Miranda Priestly, officially titled the editor in chief of the high profile Runway fashion magazine but unofficially titled the dragon lady. Its apparently the job that millions of girls would kill for but Andy, new to fashion and having no idea who Miranda is, just doesn’t understand. Not at first anyway.

From my goldfish memory the movie stays pretty true to the novel though it seems less cutting and mean-spirited. Though both Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt (who plays the extremely snooty first assistant) deliver stand out performances all characters, including theirs, seemed a little water-downed. Streep was definitely in fine form – pretty amazing what you can do without even raising your voice.

The movie is enjoyable even if you aren’t into fashion or labels as it was fun to see all clothes, bags, shoes etc. flash across the scene even if I couldn’t name a label to save my life. I think in one little montage Streep must have gone through about 15 different jacket and bag combinations in about 15 seconds! The wardrobe budget alone must have been humongous! The only downer to the film is that it is a tad predictable and filled with cliches, otherwise its definitely good for a couple of hours entertainment.