Tis the Season …

… to be booking office Christmas Parties. Well, the silly season is nearly upon us and the dilemma of finding somewhere for the work Christmas meal this year has fallen upon the shoulders of Sandra, James and Catherine. Some weekends ago Sandra and I did try and find somewhere around town but found it difficult to make a decision knowing the tendency of some people on the patch to complain and complain.

Tonight Sugar Reef were offering a tasting session where you could sample some of the food from their Christmas meal (their ultimate goal being to get you to book your Christmal meal then and there.) We’d actually pretty much made up our mind to go with Sugar Reef anyway but we turned up tonight for the free meal and also, as it turns out, for the free champagne. We weren’t sure what to expect but the sample platters of finger food sure wasn’t what we were expecting. Still, it was pretty good and did sort of keep on coming though I’m pretty sure the champagne was much more free-flowing than the food (I certainly felt the effects of it .. or it could have been the two cocktails we had in Tiger Tiger before hand…)

Hopefully everyone will enjoy the choices Sugar Reef will offer. It sure seems much more fun than last year’s venue at any rate.