Guy Fawkes Day

On November 5, 1605 there was a conspiracy by a small group of English Catholic men (13 ? an auspicious number) to blow up Parliament. The plan failed miserably and most were either killed outright or tortured and then executed. Guy (real name Guido) Fawkes was captured and questioned and eventually me the same fate as his co-conspirators: hung, drawn and quartered. Of course ever since that day England has celebrated this attempted treason with bonfires, fireworks and the burning of an effigy, Guy. Interestingly until 1959 it was illegal not to celebrate the date of Guy?s arrest. Any excuse to play with fire.

Rehana invited me to her place with the intention of checking out the Clapham Common Bonfire Night followed by a night out on the town. Sort of. We are still searching for that illusive bar/club that plays good chillin? music. Of course we were running late for the Bonfire Night and there was major traffic on our bus journey in. Just as well we didn?t bother trying to make via the tube station which was of course shut. Still ? our timing was rather perfect as we arrived at the edge of the park just as the fireworks began.

To say there were a lot of people about is an major understatement. Many had simply stopped along the streets and were gazing up into the sky. At first we were going to stay on the outskirts – which to be honest gave us a pretty good view of most of what was going on – but we decided to move further forward just because the green is greener on the other side. Again there were people all over the place – mainly playing with sparklers. What was scary, and downright irresponsible, was the fact that people were actually setting off fireworks in the middle of the crowd. Utter madness. The police/security would eventually come but, of course, they would be too late to catch anyone.

First Tree View Second Tree View The Outskirts

Sparklers Crowds leaving

In the end we had an okay view of the fireworks if a bit obscured by the trees and the mood was slightly ruined by two absolute losers who were talking, or should I say bragging and being downright obnoxious and disrespectful, about their most recent conquests. The display lasted a good half hour if not longer. It was amazing. My favourite types are the ones that burst in the sky and then seconds later twinkle like they were stars.