Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks

A 2-person play starring Billy Zane and Claire Bloom Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks is a sweet story of an unlikely friendship between two people with their own particular insecurities. On the one hand is the fiery but straight-laced retiree and on the other is her outlandish acid-tongued gay instructor. Foxtrotting, waltzing, tangoing and cha-chaing their way through the six weeks of lessons the two turn their angry exchanges into a heart-warming and life changing relationship.

The play is smartly written with plenty of laughs and wit. The dancing too was a pleasure to witness even if they didn’t do any salsa 🙂 although the changes between scenes (to give us the impression that a week had passed and also to allow the actors a change of costume) seemed to drag on a bit. I’m not sure if that had any thing to do with the fact that tonight’s performance was the first for the season.

This is the one major drawback of going to see previews as although you’ll generally get cheaper tickets it also means the actors are likely to mess up their lines (which they did), stumble around on stage (which they did) and have lack of timing such as accidentally talking over each other (which they had.) However, there are some positives to attending first nights such as spouses of the actors coming to see the play. Kelly Brook, Billy Zane’s fiance and also a British model (she is very very pretty), was in one of the boxes and it was a toss up as to who I was watching more! Just kidding though I did catch myself looking over to her to see how she was reacting to the play.

Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks is a light hearted feel good comedy. Once the actors get into their groove, pardon the pun, will no doubt have you dancing your way into the theatre to see it.