The rest of the night

Considering the number of people in the park and at Clapham in general our passage out of the park was relatively stress free. Rehana had heard Sand had a good rep for R&B music so that was our first destination. But you should now be familiar with Rehana and my luck – surprise – there wasn’t any good music. Its an okay place ? quite modern and funky but very small and not a lot seats to park your butt on. There seemed to be a lot of tourists in there. Not that I?m one to talk! After nearly a couple of hours we walked back in to Brixton – it wasn’t actually that far and I really need the cool air to clear my head.

It was that awkward time, 10ish, before the night life gets really busy so we couldn?t decide what to do. We checked out the movies ? nothing. We checked out the Brixtonian – and though there was no private party this time – it was totally lacking in atmosphere. The “bouncer” told us to come back after 11 but in the mean time to try the Satay Bar. So, we checked out the Satay Bar. Turned out to be an okay venue. It was definitely a much more coloured place than any we had tried to date and, without being prejudiced, this was reflected in the music (meaning it was great!). Unfortunately, the DJ that came on at about 11 wasn’t very good as he just couldn’t put together a set of good tunes – he was all over the place. Rehana was getting bored so we went to leave at about midnight. Some guy, who had been eyeing her all night, followed us to the ladies and proceeded to put the moves on to her. I don?t think she was impressed. It was pretty funny though.

Total steps taken: 16,018