Post Exam Celebrations

Work has very generous study leave provisions for its trainee staff and as a result we have been virtually staff-less for the last two – three weeks. Tonight three of the trainees, James, Sandra and Catherine, finished the last of their exams. Even at uni I never had that much time off to study for my exams so I can imagine just how antsy these three were feeling being stuck at home “studying” for all that time. As a result having a drink seemed to be the first thing on their minds!

I hadn’t planned on any sort of big night – just a meal and catch up with Rehana and then home for an early night. Instead of going home after dinner I somehow ended up at O’Neill’s with these three. After Pauline’s goodbye I swore off drinking for reasons I won’t go into right now. However it seems the barman had other ideas and instead of an innocent orange juice and lemonade I somehow ended up with Archers and lemonade. There goes the drinking embargo.

Tonight we were up in the Music Room which is an oddly placed club on the top floor of the O’Neill’s at Leicester Square. At any rate it seemed to be the place to be and they actually played some great music until about 11 when a live band then came on to do their business. A surprisingly large number of people were out on the dance floor but that probably has something more to do with a lack of general space than a true desire to get groovin’. I did try and get James out on to the dance floor but unforutnately he called my bluff and wouldn’t go out there unless I went and there was no way I’d drunk enough to even consider it. Instead James provided other entertainment by trying to perform some wierd trick with his pint glass. From the photo to the left you can see who won that game!