
Wicked is definitely one of the bigger ticket items currently on show at the West End. Its a musical that I’ve been wanting to see ever since I heard that it was being transferred here from Broadway (I think I read somewhere it is the highest grossing show in Broadway history.) Pat was nice enough to give me some tickets for my birthday – the only problem was finding a suitable date for it! When I heard that Idina Menzel, who originally played Elphaba the Wicked Witch in the Broadway production and for which she won a Tony, was not continuing on with the role in the New Year I finally got my act together to arrange to see it tonight.

Wicked, based on the novel by Gregory Maguire, tells the tale of how the Wicked Witch of the West came into being. The story starts way before Dorothy ever stepped onto the golden path to the Emerald City with a little green girl, Elphaba, who grows up to be known as the infamous “Wicked ” witch. Elphaba is a girl with a heart of gold but because of the colour of her skin is ridiculed and generally put down. When she finds herself roomed with the eternally popular Galinda, a girl who has everything, life cannot seem to get any worse. Despite the anomosity between the two they eventually become the best of friends.

The Good

The writing in the play is extremely smart with the key message being basically not a judge a book by its cover, or, a person by their appearance, though there are some political references in there as well. It turns around what you thought might have thought was “good” in The Wizard of Oz into “bad” and the “bad” into “good”. The writing too was very smart in incorporating little satirical references to The Wizard of Oz with almost all of these references being met with laughter by the crowd.

Wicked is currently being hosted by the Apollo Victoria and it is a HUGE venue. The set is truly amazing extending out quite significantly into what is traditionally audience space. Also there is a giant dragon which, although in the end not truly serving a purpose, is pretty cool as a design prop. The individual scenes moved seemlessly into each other and there is some damn good engineering in the very sophisticated set. The lighting was inventive and costumes creative.

Interestingly there seemed to be a lot of subtext in the storyline and although there is a love triangle of sorts with Elphaba and Galinda (later to become Glinda the Good Witch) both falling in love with the same man, Fiyero (played by Australia’s own Adam Garcia), there seemed to be something even stronger between Elphaba and Galinda which is pretty cool.

As for the performers Idina Menzel was brilliant, and moving, as Elphaba bringing the right balance of vulnerability and strength to the character and Helen Dallimore, also an Aussie, as Galinda wasn’t too bad at playing all bubbly and blonde.

The Not So Good

The only truly disappointment to the show is the weakness in the song tunes. The lyrics were brilliant no doubt about it but unfortunately for me some of the songs just weren’t catchy or memorable. Though who am I to judge it considering I think the original cast album won a couple of Grammy awards!

Wicked is a show that must be seen, if not for the spectacle of the show itself (visually stunning), then for the intelligence in the writing and the brilliant performances. Definitely thought-provoking it is the direction that all future musicals should be taking.

4 thoughts on “Wicked

  1. Cool! Where did you see it? Did you see it in London or catch some other version of it?

  2. Just to say I’m SO JEALOUS you saw Idina!
    I’ve seen it twice now, and both with Kerry Ellis. She’s improved a LOT and was spectacular, but she’s no Idina.

    Secondly, I agree with your fair crit of the show, but I think a little more credit has to go to the songs, they’re some of the most brilliantly written songs I’ve EVER heard…
    And SO … VERY … CATCHY !
    When I hear ’em I can’t stop! Especially GEMS like “What is this feeling” “The Wizard and I” “Popular” “One short day” “Defying Gravity!” “As long as you’re mine” “No good deed” and “for good”
    And the musicality of it…I’m Heavily into music and I hope to turn it into a career and I’ve never heard songs that struck me as SO musical, reaccuring themes, gut wrenching lyrics and soaring vocal lines…not to mention harmonies that can make your eyes water with the power and beauty of ’em.

    The second time I saw it I cried in almost half the songs, even the happier ones, I just felt so blessed to be there ant at one point I LITERALLY pinched myself because it was such an amazing experience…I thought it was a bit of an overstatement all the hype of people leaving the theatre crying saying it’d changed their lives…I was wrong, it has TOTALLY changed mine and I have never related to anything more in my life!

    Sorry for babbling 😛 *draws breath*
    Holly xxx

    Oh, and if you like it, check out her 2005 movie RENT, it’s a musical and its BRILL!

    Wicked 4ever 😛 xxx

  3. Idina was amazing. I actualy have RENT on my To Watch list. Looking forward to it.

    I thought there were some really good catchy songs but for some reason I felt a little disappointed at an overall level. Perhaps I’ve come to expect truly spectacular numbers. I’d like to get the soundtrack to the musical and here the tunes again.

    Nothing wrong with your “babbling” as you call it. I can tell that you are really into Wicked – with a storyline like that who can’t help but be moved by the musical.

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