Alexandra Palace Fireworks

I missed all the Guy Fawkes night celebrations this week as it was on a Wednesday and I’ve been too busy at work (and working too far out of central London) to try and tee up an event but I couldn’t miss out on fireworks completely this year so with my fireworks buddy, Sandra, we headed off to Alexandra Palace.

Alexandra Palace is a tourist destination on its own merit but I’ve never been (something to rectify for sure.) It boasts beautiful views over London and proved to be a perfect place to see the fireworks – not only those that were put on at the Palace but also all of those going off across London at people’s homes, other greens and even the ones over near Canary Wharf.

To ensure that the event at Alexandra Palace was a hit for everyone it even had a carnival happening near the entrance at the bottom of the hill which had all sorts of rides including the giant Booster (which I think I’ve seen at the Brighton Pier.) I really wanted to ride it because it looked like a mad ride but Sandra was still feeling to full from our ribs at Monkeynuts. To be fair if we’d gone up I’m quite certain the ribs would have come up and out onto the people below us – not something they would be pleased about I’m sure.

There was also apparently a beer hall somewhere to celebrate a belated Oktoberfest but by the time we climbed the hill to get a good position for the fireworks there were so many people around we had no chance of getting through the crowds.

Even without fireworks tonight the setting would have been beautiful. The view truly was amazing and I could have sat up there all night. Thankfully the weather decided to take a kind turn and it stayed most of the late afternoon and all evening.

Before the fireworks started the crowd was entertained with music blasting from the loudspeakers which would later play the music to accompany the fireworks. Although Sandra thought the effort at Battersea last year was better I was just happy to see fireworks in any situation. I just can’t get enough of them.