The Church – The First Anniversary

I hadn’t even realised it until Pauline pointed it out to me but our visit to The Church today was actually the anniversary of our first visit. Not sure if she had arranged it to be that way, if not then the timing was pretty coincidental. We also dragged along a few other people for today’s visit including James, Caz, Leah, Amelia, Dee, Sam, Stu and another friend of Leah’s who’s name escapes me for the moment. All of us Aussies, naturally, except for James who was our token English person. I had tried to invite other English people from work but none of them were brave enough to venture on to the hallowed grounds of The Church. 😉

Entry into the Church was something like £7 but Amelia somehow managed to get us into The Church for free. I reckon the guy selling drinks cards in the line took a shining too her! This was a good deal as then that money was put towards the £7.50 drink cards they pre-sell you in the line prior to entry (though of course drink cards are also available inside.)

Once inside it all seemed fairly mellow at first. Not as many people drunk and disorderly early on as last year as I recall though there were some energetic dancers in particular a bunch of Kiwis just behind us. There was also some strange push-up thing happening with a bunch of some particularly younger guys nearby. Not sure what that was about – James mentioned something about a drinking game based on saying a particular word. Whatever it was funny anyway.

The camera people were on their game pretty much labelling everything and everyone on sight on the big screens. None of my photos turned out but they were really getting in some nasty labels. For some reason, and probably egged on by one girl going topless (bra included apparently) early on, whoever was on camera was obsessed with getting girls to show their wares. Like seriously obsessed. It was funny at first especially when the girl would try to run away from the camera, which of course simply followed her, but it got old fairly quickly after that. Thankfully I was in a t-shirt so no cleavage to entice the camera people with. Our bags, as usual, proved a hazard to those breaking into our dance circle. I know they just wanted to get across to the other side but still – respect the bag and coats!

Before long the entertainment started with a bit of a teaser with the first “dancer”. Female in this case and I saw tease as she mostly danced and writhed around on stage and though getting most of her kit off stopped at taking everything off once she got to her bra and undies.

We thought that was it so Pauline thought it would be funny to try and continue the theme as she kept on trying to pull our tops up. Caz and I weren’t quick enough to avoid her little hands but somehow Leah managed. Thankfully soon after that the entertainment continued with first a male “dancer” and then the same female “dancer” from before. This time it was all the way and because of both Caz and Leah’s agression we ended up right near the stage for a full frontal view so to speak.

Thankfully the entertainment wasn’t as disgusting as last year and the dancers were actually quite fit this time around. I don’t know how they feel up there on stage – I felt almost embarrassed for them. Still, I guess its a job and fairly harmless at that if you don’t mind showing the world your business.

After that it was more dancing and, for everyone else, drinking. Leah and Caz pushed their way up on to stage when things were wrapping up. Traditionally the girls on stage will take their tops off but I think the crowd were pretty conservative today so no such action on that front to the disappointment of the males in the crowd I’m sure.

Finally, after getting kicked out of The Church, we headed over to the Shebu Walkie which is apparently the traditional thing to do. I was a bit over it by that stage though, and as much as it may sound so mature of me, I had to go home and do my Sunday chores so didn’t stay long at the walkie. However, I stayed long enough to witness these two guys, one of whom was there with his girlfriend, who were absolutely hammered enough to do this for the camera:

Fun times!!