The Greeks descend

With Mirela’s graduation on Monday all her family are slowly arriving in London. Late late last night Mirela’s Mum, sister and Aunt arrived tomorrow it will be her father and boyfriend. They’ve all been here numerous times before so it wouldn’t seem there is much left for them to sight see. After a bit of a sleep in we ended up at Primark, walking down to Trafalgar Square, having linner (it was kind of like lunch/dinner at about 5pm) at my local chinese (again! Told you Mirela loves the hoisin sauce) before meeting up with Sabrina early in the evening at Sloane Square for another long walk all the way to South Kensington and the Natural History Museum (too tired to ice skate.) Being a Londoner I’m used to all the walking but I’m afraid it really tired the greek contingent out! They were wiped out by about 10pm ….