Fahrenheit 9/11

Two minutes into the movie I couldn’t understand why I had expressed my reluctance in the past to experiencing this Michael Moore production. The film was engaging and kept me enthralled the whole time. Sure the movie is controversial and provocative but that’s what has made it such good fodder for the press and public alike. You couldn’t say that the movie was completely unbiased or objective. However, it did a good job of convincing you without steam rolling over you. It raised some interesting points which, if can be believed, will definitely have you shaking your head and making you wonder how on earth the American public could in all good sense vote George Bush back in to office again. The most head shaking moment came when we were watching footage of George Bush being told about the first airplane crashing into the WTC. He was in a reading class at an elementary school at the time and would you believe that he simply continued on as if nothing had happened. The groans that went up in the cinema when we were being shown this footage showed that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

Oh … and one thing that I did notice was that the soundtrack to Fahrenheit 9/11 was suspiciously similar to that of Super Size Me – though that is probably where the similarities end.

Total steps taken: 3,159