The Greeks descend – Part 2

After the Good Food Show I caught up with Mirela and co for drinks before Mirela headed off to pick up her boyfriend from Victoria. Whilst she took him back to Sabrina’s house to settle in and for some dinner I went for a walk with Mirela’s Mum, sister and Aunt from Westminster to Trafalgar Square. It was a beautiful evening for a walk if a bit nippy.

Currently at Trafalgar Square they have a new art installation called under scan which runs from dusk until midnight.

The concept behind the installation is that motion detectors will sense whenever someone is standing within the installation and this will trigger a very life-like projection of video portraits on to the ground that will “shadow” you. It was pretty cool and the projects were very effective.

Some video footage here:

After this little walk (which ended up being a couple of hours) I met up with Mirela and Enrique again for a drink at Eclipse in South Kensington. Mirela’s cousin Harry also joined us. Eclipse wasn’t a very big bar/club (not sure what it was) but it was pretty busy for a Sunday evening. It seemed to be split into two rooms – one side filled with dancers and the others with sitters. By the time it was all done I got home for 2. Thank goodness Harry drove me home otherwise I may have been asleep on a London night bus somewhere. I think I’m going to be a little tired tomorrow!