Mama Roma’s

Taking advantage of my short-term visit to Uxbridge for work I have been steadily working my way around a few of the lunch places around the office. Today we were kind of having a last day lunch for Pradosh as his time at work was coming to a close. The venue of choice was Mama Roma’s. The restaurant was a bit of a hike from the office but it was well worth the walk. Its one of those restaurants from which you get a true genuine Italian vibe from. As with most places we’ve been to for lunch they also had a lunch deal. The deal here was a starter and main for under a tenner. I could have easily gone with just a pasta or dish of the a la carte menu, as I knew I was going out for dinner with the girls in the evening, it didn’t really take much for me to opt for the lunch deal when it seemed a couple of us were interested in some sort of starter.

I ended up going with the white bait and some sort of chicken dish for my main. I though the serving portion for the white bait wouldn’t be too much but it was huge. It was very tasty though so of course I ate every single crumb. I think James, who’d also gone for white bait, was equally impressed. Thankfully I hadn’t gone for a pizza or pasta for my main dish otherwise I really wouldn’t have been able to finish. The chicken with some veg dish was perfect and though I was still a bit full at the end felt okay by the time I’d walked back to the office.

Service at the restaurant was pleasant and extremely friendly. There was a bit of confusion sometimes as our waitresses weren’t the best English speakers (nor Italian for that matter!) but we all received exactly what we ordered so clearly language wasn’t a barrier today.