Man of Mode

 Man of Mode is an update of the play first written in 1676. Its amazing to think than in just over 300 years nothing has really changed – some young men will continue to be womanisers and women will constantly fall for it!

The setting is now modern London with all its glitz and glamour. The central character is a guy called Dorimant, who it seems can bed any woman. He is currently seeing Loveit but has his eye on her best friend. Once he is successful with her it doesn’t take long until he turns his eye to Harriet. In Harriet he finds and equal and woman resistant to his charm until finally we are left with two people who genuinely fall in love. The fun are in the cast of side kicks including fop Sir Fopling Flutter who must certainly was the most charming, if campest, of those on stage.

The play was quite enjoyable accompanied by a very appropriate soundtrack. The staging was also very cool with scene changes on a revolving stage being quite innovative. Plenty of laughs in this play.