Kylie – The Exhibition at the V&A

 Sandra organised for us girls to go and check out Kylie – The Exhibition at the V&A. The exhibition features many of the costumes used in Kylie’s career and also some of the memorabilia including various awards won and photos taken.

 There were five areas with the main area taken up by her costumes from all her music videos. I always knew that Kylie was a little bit but those dresses were tiny tiny tiny! I doubt that I could have fit anything over even one of my legs.

The next section was a backstage video. The viewing room was fairly tiny but the video was quite interesting. You never realise just how much work goes into a concert.

 Then you saw some lavish costumes from her concerts and then another room showing reel after reel from and her bigger tours and then finally there was a little replica of her dressing room.

A pretty good exhibition for those who are into Kylie and you even get to see those infamous gold lamé hotpants!