Day 5 – Marathon Day

The reason we were in Cape Town had finally arrived – the day of the Two Ocean’s Marathon! The morning definitely came too soon for me and I wasn’t even running. I must admit the pre-dawn start was actually very nice. I couldn’t believe how many runners were at the start of this race but more unbelievable was the energy that seemed to just be humming around them. Not bad for half five in the morning! All sorts of things seem to be happening around the start of the race but there was one thing you couldn’t miss – the queues for (and the … shall we say, distinctive aroma around) the portaloos!

We met quickly with Anita, Chris and Paul at the start of the race before they all set off for their respective start points – Anita and Chris for the half and Jules and Paul for the full. It was fairly surprising the number of racers who were actually very late for their start and as a consequence had to scale the walls to get into the running pens or had to run to the start after all the other runner were well gone!

I hustled to the finish of the race to try and get a good a position as possible to see everyone finishing. I was fully expecting to read most of my book by the end of Jules’ race (based on a run of something in between 4:30 and 4:50) but there was plenty to see and do and to my surprise I didn’t crack the book open once. It helped that Anita and Chris came to support Jules as well at the end of their well-run half-marathons. Oh and sneaking in a burger from the Nando’s tent also helped passed the time! 🙂

After a quick nap it was off to Anita’s for a braai to celebrate everyone’s efforts where I met more of Anita’s family and friends. Thanks to Anita for hosting a very nice evening but also to Anita’s parents for putting up with us! I also got to sample some classic South African desserts: a milk tart and the moreish koeksisters. It definitely took all my control to stop at two koeksisters. Mmm …

Following the braai we headed out to a local Stellenbosch pub where Anita introduced us to the Springbok – a shot made up of creme de menthe, amarula cream liqueur and cream. Yummy. I know that South Africa is generally cheaper with drinks and food but it was still a surprise when a round of shots for 10 or so people plus some drinks came to less than the cost of 2-3 pints of beer in London. Safe to say it was a good day today.

Anita has some photos from the afternoon/evening here.